Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Countless vehicles refuse to stop or even slow down at the stop sign at Benham Hill Road at Hubbard in West Haven. This is a school zone and unsafe for children.
IC Fearful Parent
Dear Fearful Parent:
I have contacted Councilman Barry Lee Cohen concerning your complaint. Here is his what he had to say about the conditions at Benham Hill Road and Hubbard, “ Thank you for your email. The speeding and safety concerns on Hubbard Road continue to be monitored and taken seriously, especially given the foot traffic and proximity to Pagels, Hubbard Farm Park and nearby residences.
Over the last year your West Haven Police Department has been and continued to be engaged as witnessed by the speed limit meter placed on the road last summer. This is in addition to the speed limit and child safety signs already placed on the road. Increased patrols have been undertaken and will continue to be requested.
Separately last winter I spoke with a couple of neighbors and noted that when spring arrives —and now its here that I will purchase lawn signs which will be placed on their property to remind others to “Drive like your child lives here.”
Finally, I continue to advocate for a special bump to be considered although the natural design of the roadway being a hill with a slope that is greater than most other roadways. Regardless, this proposal has been respectfully submitted. Any final recommendation and decision is under the jurisdiction of the West Haven Police Department. In consultation with the city.
As always, neighbors are welcome and encouraged to contact me directly at (203) 645-2913. Barry Lee Cohen, Councilman 10th District, City of West Haven, [email protected].”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Thank you for putting the clock back on the Green.
Ruth R. Lombardi
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The entire length of Chestnut Street between Savin and Kelsey Avenue is strewn with potholes. There are too many to avoid. Please repave them.
MO Resident
Dear MO Resident:
Council Woman Bridgette Hoskie responded to Gripe Vine’s request for assistance with, “I have forwarded this to Public Works.”
As always, readers, please let me know if there is or is not an improvement and I will follow up on complaints.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Does anybody know what to do when a wire is hanging from the power line? It seems to be a cable wire. I called the police department and they said they would come out.
ND Curious
Dear ND Curious
I have submitted your complaint to Council Woman Chrystal Fanelli. If you see that the wire has been removed or repaired, please let me know, [email protected]
You can contact gripe vine with your issues, gripes or comments at [email protected] Please include your name, address and phone number kept in confidentiality with me. You can also write to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. You can also submit through our online form.
Coming up….downed wire at Edward Street…Beach Street speeders….more Second Avenue traffic complaints…Veteran’s Memorial at Bradley Point complaint….”illegal parking” on Front Avenue and much more.