Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am writing to ask for your help for the seniors in West Haven. We had a senior center at Forrest School and that closed., so we went to Noble School Center and they closed that. We all need exercise, and we all need to be together.
Shame on West Haven for not opening our Center.
Ruth Lombardi
Dear Ruth Lombardi:
I have written to Council Woman Robin Watt Hamilton. She promptly responded with, “I will be happy to bring this concern to the new Director of Elderly Service when hired.”
Now, Ruth, I am going to ask all the seniors who are interested in seeing updates on a senior center opening to write to me. I will do my very best to keep seniors updated through Gripe Vine on this issue.. Write to me at [email protected] or drop a note in the mail to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 If there is enough interest from West Haven Seniors in a senior center and/or activities, I’ll be happy to pursue your inquiries.
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
There have been numerous additional complaints on safety hazards at Benham Hill Road and Hubbard.
I have notified Councilman Barry Lee Cohen with these complaints and he said, “Benham and Hubbard are in my district. As previously reported, we have placed a couple of signs on Hubbard Road as well as one placed on a neighbor’s yard right on Benham before the stop sign at the corner intersection.
I have spoken with a couple of neighbors over the past month. At this early stage of placements, they reported that the signs have helped somewhat, however to your point, there are still cars that do not stop at the signs at both locations.
The traffic division was previously alerted to the sign locations and they have and expect to continue to monitor. I will reach out again to confirm this concern.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Things never stopped and now larger trucks are appearing more frequently on Voss Road. One appears to have heavy roofing material on it which leads to the company on Frontage Road across from the old Sears building. I guess nothing will be done to resolve this neighborhood issue. I did see a patrol car come down the street once a couple of weeks ago. So, I think that would satisfy the neighborhood.
We used to have such a nice neighborhood and now I can’t cross the street to visit my neighbors without really being cautious. Someone is going to get hurt as there are plenty of trucks that really travel fast.
The images I have submitted to you, Eleanore were taken on April 24.
Driving Me Crazy, RD
Dear RD:
Council Woman Chrystal Fanelli has been notified once again, of the dangers on Voss Road. As soon as I hear from her, you will either see the neighborhood without truck traffic or a response indicating her investigation into your complaint.
I have submitted your photos of truck traffic along with today’s column. Space permitting my readers will see the validity of your complaint.
Gripe Vine Readers can submit your gripes, comments and issues by sending them to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, 06516. You can also submit through our online form.
Coming up….tv commercial gripes…container parked in private driveway complaint…noise level at Oceanside Condominiums…out of state truck parked illegally”…dip in sidewalk on city line….illegal trucks on Jones Hill Road..trash receptacles on Bellvue and Howard Avenue..Beach Street speeding…Second Avenue stop signs…surrounding streets off Michael Drive need paving…motorcycle gripe on 4th Avenue…no sign on two lane merge on Campbell Avenue…messy bird droppings on sidewalk at Memorial and much more.