Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Some of my readers have been complaining of streets that need repaving. I was able to obtain a partial list of streets that are planned to be repaved. A recent news release beginning May 21st Crews will begin milling and paving Harold Street to Fairfax Street from Swampscott Street, Fairfax Street to Ogden to Orfrod Streets; West Main Street to Shingle Hill Road to Morgan Lane. Campbell Avenue to King Street, King Street from Abner, West Spring Street; West Spring Street from Campbell Avenue to Greta Street, Elm Street from Savin to Campbell Avenue. Church Street from Savin to Kelsey Avenue, Center Street from Campbell to Candee, Washington Avenue from Brown to Beach Street, Washington Avenue from Elm to Main Street, Washington Avenue from Elm to Wood Street, Washington Avenue from Richard to Hall Street, Beach from Washington Avenue to the former Chick’s Drive-in. and Prindle Road to the railroad underpass.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There are some houses on Prospect Avenue that are desperately in need of repair, paint or demolition. There are a few that look abandoned for the past few years and are bringing down the property value of the neighborhood.
Hopeful Neighbor ON
Dear Hopeful Neighbor:
Councilwoman Chrystal Fanelli was asked to look into these conditions on Prospect Avenue. Gripe Vine will publish the results of her investigation.

Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Someone dumped piles of wood on West Spring Street by the back entrance to the Veteran’s Hospital.
They are currently dumping there because it’s open and no streetlights in that area at all. Looks like they took down a fence and decided hey, let’s make this someone else’s headache. So inconsiderate. When will people stop this nonsense.
Fed Up
Dear Fed, Up:
“When will people stop this nonsense?”
The Voice has many, many readers and within this group are environmentalists, police and local and state authorities who will be and are on the lookout for these offenders. I am hoping these dedicated enforcers will be on the lookout for those who are creating these violations. dumping offenders. Meanwhile, I am asking my readers to be on the lookout and to notify the police so this offensive activity will end.
I have included a photo of this dumping submitted by the letter writer in today’s column.”
Gripe Vine Readers:
I have been told that there are some important traffic signs missing. One of them is on Forest Road and Route 1 and the other that there is no sign for the two-lane merge at Campbell Avenue going south.
I have written to Councilman Peter Massaro who informed Gripe Vine that Forest Road, and Route 1 are maintained by the state. Councilman Massaro indicated he will look into these complaints.
Gripe Vine Readers:
A month or so ago, Gripe Vine published speeding concerns on Beach Street. to quote, “Speeding is rampant here. The problem here is there is too little enforcement of the speed limit. Whether going east to west, or west to east people are using Beach Street as a high-speed bypass through the city to avoid other parallel routes that have stop signs and lights. Beach Street has neither for the entire stretch. Because it has long straight sections it’s an invitation in the absence of police presence as a determent to floor it and that’s exactly why those of us witness the driving on this street. “
Well, readers, I wrote to Councilwoman Elizabeth Johnston who responded, “I reached out to Sgt. D’Amato to discuss this problem and potential solutions.”
However, I was not completely satisfied with this response, so I went to the Councilwoman again for an update on April 29 and to date have not heard from her as to a possible safety solution for this neighborhood. Perhaps Councilwoman Johnston will read my column this week, talk to Sgt. D’Amato once again and offer my readers a n explanation as to the possibility of stronger safety measures in this neighborhood.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
A motorcyclist rides his motorcycle for hours on end on 4th Avenue on a one-way street. It’s impossible to sit outside due to the noise.
He rides his motorcycle on 4th Avenue that has a curve with a car coming the right way could hit his motorcycle. I have been reporting wrong way drivers for ten years now. The police should get on this before someone gets hurt.
PZ Let’s Get With It!
Dear PZ:
I have written to Councilman Michael Gallignano twice concerning your complaint. I am hoping that he will support safety precaution measures immediately. As soon as I hear from the Councilman, you will read his solution in Gripe Vine.
Coming up: Canadian Geese droppings near Veteran’s monument…”vicious” dog on Campbell Avenue…requests for local street paving…complaints of foul-smelling land off Ocean Avenue…porta potties requested at The Grove..No Parking signs requested for Atwood Complex..Marion and Middle Street offer complaints of speeding traffic…Second Avenue speeding…too many tv commercials…speeding and noise making at Oceanside on Beach Street….over limit street parking…and much more.
You can submit your gripes, issues and comments to Gripe Vine at [email protected] or mail them to me Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT 06516 All your inquiries are kept in strict confidence with me.