Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am sick and tired of the many commercials on television. One night, during a movie, I counted 8 commercials during a commercial break. Enough is enough because I pay a huge amount for television service and regular television is ridiculous, especially during news coverage. Is there any way to help viewers with my complaint?
I have a friend who was watching a movie and he told me the movie lasted one hour and during that one hour, there were 20 minutes of commercials and 30 minutes of movie.
DG Disgusted
Dear DG:
According to the Federal Commercial Commission there are no rules regulating the amount of airtime a television station or network cable or otherwise devotes to commercials. The exception to that rule is in children’s programming according to FCC website www,fcc/guides/program-content-regulations “
“Cable operators can transmit no more than 10.5 minutes of commercial matter per hour during children’s programming on weekends and no more than 12 minutes of commercial matter per hour on weekdays. These limits were imposed pursuant to the children’s Act of 1990 which restricted the amount of commercial matter that both television broadcasters and cable operators can air programs originally produced and broadcast primarily for children 12 years old and younger.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The Canadian Geese have a mess on the walks around the veteran’s memorial at Bradley Point. Can the city please clean it up?
MG Caring Resident
Dear MG:
I have notified Councilman William Conlon of your complaint and have not received a reply. Perhaps after your letter appears in today’s column you will read of an improvement at the Veteran’s Memorial.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Tenants/landlord have a big mean Pit Bull in their yard, unleashed and a hole in the fence. It’s a matter of time before he bites someone. The vicious dog charges the fence growling even if you walk on the other side. I saw an older senior run into the pizza shop on Campbell Avenue. I walk my three grandkids and worry every time I walk by. Police, town, please take notice and dog owner, please leash up or get a six-foot-high wooden stockade fence.
Fearful Grandmother
Dear Fearful:
I contacted Council Woman Bridgette Hoskie with your gripe, and she requested a specific address on Leete Street. “There is no way to investigate without a physical address.”
However, May I suggest to Council Woman Hoskie that a telephone call to the Animal Shelter with the information provided would have provided an investigation. The Animal Shelter must have a list of licensed dogs and it is a Pit Bull.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have written you about the traffic on Second Avenue and the horrible traffic accidents. There are still no added stop signs for our neighborhood safety. Second Avenue is a nightmare and even more in the summertime. It is a raceway and I believe a couple of stop signs would really slow things down.
CG Afraid
Dear CG:
Email me specific locations where these stop signs should be placed and I will forward this information on to Council Woman Elizabeth Johnson and Councilman William Conlon for assistance.
Coming up: Boccie Court gripe…senior complaint of personal care at centers…Second Avenue dangerous traffic…no parking signs at Atwood Complex…out of state truck parking near Quigely Stadium…missing s sign for two lane road at Campbell Avenue..loud music on Leete Street…deep dip in sidewalk New Haven Avenue adjacent to West Haven line..Beacon Hill Road grass out of control..Oceanside Condos on Beach Street speeding and noise making..street paving needed at Woodhill Road, Hilltop Drive and Michael Drive… Washington and street bump at Washington and Elm Street, and street paving needed at Savin Avenue and Lester Streets.
You can send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 Please include your name, address and phone number kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.