Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Several weeks ago, I was watching the TV news and they showed a news item that covered a senior center in Connecticut that had been broken into by two teenagers. I couldn’t believe what I saw but there it was, food thrown on the floor from the refrigerator and pantry shelves, chairs and tables overturned, trash dumped on the floor and counters covered with food and trash. All I could think of was who will be cleaning all of this stuff?
I soon learned a good-heartened gentleman volunteered to make the senior center presentable once again. In addition to this damage, the thieves stole a car from the parking, but only to have it crash outside the building. Fortunately, the thieves were caught.
My reason for writing this letter to you, Eleanore, was to suggest to the powers in charge, why not have the teenagers clean this mess up? If more people got caught performing these crimes maybe if they had to clean up afterwards, including painting, etc. it might send a message to those who are thinking of desecrating other people’s properties.
Dear Disgruntled:
A little research provided information that backed up your suggestion. In some foreign countries, that’s exactly what the authorities require the perpetrators do. It would be interesting if my readers sent in their suggestions as well.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Where are my rights? Let the city take back control of the John Barone Bocce Court. I tried to play on that court for the last six years or more. Individuals “live” on that court. They are there from 11 a.m. till dusk.
Why does the city allow them to have a key to the shed? They use it for their own personal use. They leave their tools and water and snacks, and they use electric and water. Who pays for this? The taxpayers. They even plant their own personal garden every year behind the court. It is not their own private club. Let them go someplace else and pay dues. I shouldn’t need their permission and other taxpayers in West Haven to use that court.
NN Disgusted
Dear NN Disgusted:
I have forwarded your complaint to Mark Paine Jr. West Haven Recreation Director. His response will appear in the next Gripe Vine, Aug. 5.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The road crew left a big wheel damaging bump at Washington and Elm Street. They needed to make sure that all these raised bumps that exists where paving is being done are smooth and not just left this way.
They should also make sure that they give attention to Savin Avenue and Savin Avenue and Lester Street. That general area of Savin Avenue has been in serious need of repaving for years, so this shouldn’t be ignored.
Dear LTJ
I have forwarded your complaint to Councilman Mitchell Gallignano to investigate. As soon as Gripe Vine receives his reply, you will read it in Gripe Vine.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
My daughter and son-im-law and baby grandson live on Michael Drive in West Haven. It is a nice location there, but the surrounding streets are in serious need of repaving and filling in of some pretty large potholes. The streets in question are Woodhill Road, the second half of Hilltop Drive, the part off Shingle Hill Road was paved last year and Michael Drive. Can you please see that this information gets in the right hands?
Hopefully, these roads are already slated for repaving a well as po-t hole repairs or will soon be. Your help will be appreciated.
Gabriel’s Proud Grammy
and Jo Ann Rollins
Dear Grammy and Jo:
I have written to the Council Woman in your District, Chrystal Fanelli for assistance with your gripe, however, by the time her r response appears in Gripe Vine, the repaving will be, completed in your area.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
At 25-55 Central Ave. a city tree fell during a recent storm and needs to be removed.
Safety Conscious MB
Dear Safety -Conscious MB:
I have notified Councilman Robert Bruneau of this tree that has fallen. Please watch for his reply in my next column.
Coming up: missing signs that merge at Campbell and South at 1232 Campbell Avenue…speeding on Third and Main… speeding getting brutal…,,,speeding dump trucks on Jones Hill …stop sign needed at 1st and Campbell…big pot- hole on Fairfax Street… trees cut down on Captain Thomas Blvd…speeding traffic on Marion and Second Avenue…City tree down at 25-55 Central Avenue… storage container on Central Avenue.…social protocols to follow at senior centers…more speeding gripes on Second Avenue and .Marion Avenue and much more.
If you have a gripe,,comment or issue write to [email protected] please include your name, address and phone number kept in strict confidence with me, or you can mail your gripes to Gripe Vine e c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boson Post Road, West Haven 06516. You can also submit through the online form.