Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I recent read about our mayor glorifying the accomplishment of the new park and commons buildings in the center of Allingtown. Whom does this benefit? I have yet to see anyone sing the park except the birds, parking, and a hamburger establishment and that’s it!
I would love to take our mayor on a reality tour of the Allingtown “flats” streets and show her streets littered with trash, broken sidewalks, and unescapable weekends with blaring music.
I would also like to thank her for the giant shell game played with ever increasing taxes, a so-called freeze on seniors over 70 and then stipulate it does not apply to fire and sewer taxes. I think she was our financial director? Our taxes just increased as usual, yet we have some department heads making over six figures.
Let’s continue to pour funds into the shoreline, forget Allingtown and put lipstick on a pig sprucing up Allingtown which only benefits UNH. Excellent leadership!
Guess who I am not voting for?
Dear SOS:
Thank you for your comments .Your identity is secure within Gripe Vine.
I directed your letter to Mayor Nancy Rossi. Mayor Rossi’s reply:
“The author of the letter (Ms. Turkington did not give me the identity of the author) asks ‘Does the new development in Allingtown and the Allingtown Green benefit anyone?’ My answer is, Yes, the residents of Allingtown and the City of West Haven. Not only does this development clean up and beautify Allingtown Center, but it also increased the Allingtown grand list. The Allingtown Green has been used for several events, like weddings, an announcement, and a concert. There will be many more events held at the Allingtown Green.
“The author states the streets are littered with trash, broken sidewalks and blaring music. Since taking office we have repaired many sidewalks that were damaged by city trees. There have been many cleanups in Allingtown that were organized by Councilwoman Robbin Watt Hamilton (5th District), Councilman Peter Massaro (6th District) and Councilwoman Trenee McGee (7th District).
The tax freeze for seniors over 70 was crafted by former Mayor Ed O’Brien. The freeze was passed by the City Council in May of 2016. The contents of the senior tax freeze were decided by Mayor Ed O’Brien. The tax freeze was in place long before I was elected in December of 2017.
I was elected to the City Council to represent District 7 from December 2005 to December 2015, I was never the Finance Director. I represented a portion of Allingtown when I was a City Council member, and I did my best to equally represent everyone and treat everyone fairly. As Mayor I continue to treat everyone fairly.
There are four department heads that make six figures, all four have to have certain credentials and certifications in order to perform their duties.
I would like the author to explain what funds are we pouring into the shoreline? Allingtown has had the largest Grand List growth and we have paved roads in Allingtown and have repaired sidewalks, done cleanups just like the city has done throughout the city and not just the shore.”
Coming up: Morse Park Basketball Courte speeding traffic on Marion and Middle Street ….Trees cut down on Capt. Thomas Blvd..Central Ave damaged tree….Bocce Court Complaint.. and much more.
You can submit your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine e/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT 006516. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.