Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I complained last year that there was no railing on the sidewalk that runs along the city hall driveway on the Campbell Avenue side.
The sidewalk is very steep. At that time, you said you contacted a person who would help. Nothing done.
I called the mayor’s office a few weeks ago to complain. Does someone have to fall and sue the city before they do something? If you don’t walk on the sidewalk and choose to walk in the driveway it is not as steep but dangerous. Cars and trucks use the driveway. You can get hit. There are railings in places that are not as steep. If nothing is done, the present mayor is not getting my vote.
A Senior Citizen
Dear Senior Citizen:
I have forwarded your complaint to Councilman William X. Conlon. To date, I have received no reply. And a word to al Councilmen and Councilwomen, I have a reference file containing every street in West Haven if you receive complaints from Gripe Vine and choose not to address them because they are out of your district, get back to me at [email protected], and I will take it from there. My reader’s gripes are important and with your help. we can follow them to completion.
Gripe Vine Readers:
Last month, Gripe Vine received a complaint of very high grass on property on North Forest Circle. I also included a copy of local ordinances relating to unkempt, high grass and weeds on this street.
Peter Massaro, Councilman for this area, was contacted for assistance with this problem. He replied, “I checked out the high grass on North Forest Circle. The property that was in question, a vacant house, with a dumpster alongside of it, was cut. But to let you know, I found another with uncut grass, and I turned it in to the blight officer. This house had people living in it.”
As a reminder, readers, the fine for this offense is $100 a day. The first offense there is a warning, and the second is a citation. If the violation is unpaid a lien can be put on the property. The grass or weeds may not reach eight inches or higher, excluding flowers, fruits, or vegetables.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
This is a problem that I think needs to be addressed by the city The city should contact the owner of this very large, wooded lot on Stevens Avenue and insist it be cleaned up of all the dumped furniture and trash. It is blight and not addressing it the dumping is encouraged.
Mostly on my way to the VA I noticed the queen-sized mattress leaning into the woods and walkway to the overpass. The neighbors all do a great job trying to keep their properties well maintained.
I don’t think this situation would be tolerated if it was happening on a wooded lot at the west shore. I don’t think any neighborhood should have to tolerate this ongoing disrespect for our community.
Dear CCAC:
I have notified the Councilmen in this neighborhood, Councilwoman Trenee McGee and Councilman Mitchell Gallignano for assistance and will publish their responses regarding this illegal dumping. Meanwhile, I feel sure a city representative, after reading your complaint, will remove the dumped items.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I want to know when, if ever, the Morse Park Basketball Court will be ready for use. The other courts have been painted and a perimeter fence installed, but no backboards or rims. I see the baseball and softball fields haven tended to and used, however ours remains disfunction.
BBFSports Fan
Dear Sports Fan:
I have asked for assistance with your gripe from Councilman William X. Conlon. His response will appear in my next Gripe Vine column.
Send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 Please include your name, address and phone number, kept strictly in confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.
Coming up: abandoned couch on sidewalk…noise ordinance ignored…illegally parked cars near fire hydrants…speeding ..and late trash pickup