Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The elevator at 711 Savin Ave., the Williston Building, is broken again., and older people and kids and sickly disabled people can’t get our or down the stairs
The owners don’t care and don’t answer the phone and all we know is they are waiting for parts.
They own 12 or more apartment buildings in Connecticut.
Fix it please! They need to be fixed or care needed. Help us please or we will hold back our rent.
A Resident
Dear Resident:
The elevator has been repaired! I contacted the building inspector who in turn referred me to Michael Esposito of the Fire Department. Mike called me with the results of his investigation which indicated the delay in repair of this elevator was due to parts and that at the time of his call to me, the elevator was repaired.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
When does the 201 Noble Street, West Haven Senior Center open? Let people know or is it a secret?
LB Just Curious
Dear L B:
The Senior Center is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 .m. according to a staff member at the Center.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
At the corner of Campbell and Main, vendors are parking their trucks on Campbell Avenue, further taking up space. Now as well as, the public parking lot behind Campbell Avenue businesses. City officials should take a look at the trash on the ground around the dumpsters here, too.
Donald A. Russo
Dear Donald A. Russo:
I notified Council Woman Bridgette Hoskie who responded to your complaints with, “ I know when we have our Farmer’s Market vendors do park to load and unload. I’ll provide feedback o the city and advise of the parking lots.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Ever since the traffic lights at Wagner Place were changed, there are knots of traffic which sometimes approach gridlock at the Elm-Wagner, Main-Wagner-Kelsey intersections.
At the worst, the light at Elm-Wagner causes long lines of traffic that backs up to Main and when long lines which had formed on Kelsey and gets a green light, they advance and get stuck in the intersection and the light promptly turns red again, standing cars in the intersection and blocking lines of traffic on Main Street. Now, the lines on Kelsey are longer than they have been as so many cars pile up now due to the unfortunate light timing and the cars form two lanes because anyone turning right on Main Street can only get into the right lane at the last moment because of residents who have to park on Kelsey Avenue.
Whoever did the timing on these lights needs to get out and fix the problem. As it is now, we try to avoid these intersections altogether, but it is not always possible.
NL Frustrated
Dear Frustrated:
Councilwoman Bridgette Hoskie replied to your complaint with, “I have sent this to the West Haven Police Department Traffic Division.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is an orange cone in a deep hole on Fairfax Street. The hole is a couple of feet away and was filled and the other one wasn’t. This is a very dangerous section of Fairfax Street, especially at night when you can’t see the hole of one until you are right in front of it. Please Repair
Be Careful J M
Dear Be Careful:
Gripe Vine reached out to Councilman Peter Massaro who replied, “I reached out to the individual who complained of this issue There are no cones on Fairfax Street. The two holes on Fairfax Street are filled.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Here I am again to complain about the smoking store on Admiral and Orange Avenue that is a block away from UNH. That is crazy. We are trying to stop our young people (from smoking). We could use a trash pail in front of this store.
Stay Healthy RL
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
I have received complaints of 100-year-old trees on Highland Avenue that are hanging over people’s houses and garages. They are also complaining of old tree stumps that should be removed on Fairview Avenue.
Councilman Robert Bruneau received this complaint ad replied, “I will reach out to Bob Harrington, tree consultant to see what could be done. I will take a look into this. Thank you I will follow up.”
Readers, you may submit your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. Please use the form placed near my column or on a separate piece of paper. Include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.