Dear Eleanore Turkington:
West Haven was once referred to as “Waste Haven.” Now as I drive the city streets, I realize that West Haven has become “Trash Haven.” It is heartbreaking to see street after street lined with trash and litter of all types. I am picking up litter on my street in an effort to keep it clean.
Sadly, I see no solution to this problem. This city will become like an inner city of blighted projects and dangerous neighborhoods. Property value will decline, and many residents will leave. Also, if gang’s graffiti is not quickly removed its multiples. Ansonia implemented a program to remove graffiti immediately and it has reduced the incidence significantly.
Absentee landlords must be held accountable for their blighted unkempt properties! Their tenants should have to abide by our city regulations. Did any of you ever drive around this city and see what I see? Lawns not mowed, mattresses on curbs and cars parked on lawns are few of the city ordinances being ignored.
Speeding cars, trucks and motorcycles are a problem throughout the state. It is especially dangerous on our city streets. There seems to be a disregard for the traffic laws everywhere. We need more law enforcement officers on our streets! I have never seen a speeding car stopped. This summer I have had cars pull out from behind me at a stop sign and pass me on the left. I suppose I took too long coming to a complete stop!
The vehicles that are avoiding paying taxes to the city by out of state tags are numerous. Please do something about this. I should not have to pay higher taxes because these residents are dishonest. There are several in my neighborhood. It is easy to spot them as they always back into driveways to hide their out of state plats.
Finally, noise pollution! Illegally muffled motorcycles are a plague. Why aren’t the riders ever stopped, ticketed, or have their bikes confiscated?
Once many years ago when I complained to the West Haven Police, I was told it wase useless to stop them because they pay tickets, fix the muffler, and simply cut it again! This is a reason for rewarding for not addressing this nuisance. The damage to their hearing will catch up with them eventually. I would not care. They threaten mine.
The illegal fireworks in my neighborhood began in April. They have continued every night and sometimes during the day. Massachusetts has made all fireworks illegal with the penalties being fines or jail! Fireworks are detrimental to the environment. They frighten animals, nesting birds and our veterans with PTSD, residents fighting illness and workers who need uninterrupted sleep. They pollute the Long Island Sound; they pollute the soil and the air. They are detrimental to the hearing of those close to them. There are better ways to celebrate the Fourth of July.
Please chain off the entrance to the boat ramp on First Avenue and Monahan Street after the posted hours. There are cars parked their nightly after the 10:30 closing. Can you imagine what’s going on down there? Shall we start with drug dealing and prostitution? And, loud music, trash and illegal fireworks and you have the complete picture? Another solution is to have it patrolled nightly and fine these offenders. Don’t just chase them out of the area.! Just think how much revenue this could bring to the city in just one warm, weather season.
Finally, prohibit Airbnb’s from inhabiting residential neighborhoods. The one near me has been the source of college parties, loud music, and illegal number of renters. There is obviously no enforcement of the rules adopted by the city for these places. Last year, a college bus unloaded almost 12 young women in front of a residence on April Street. They are a nuisance and lower my property value.
Please address these problems before its too late to save West Haven.
First Avenue Resident
Dear First Avenue Resident:
There are a number of complaints in your letter that I will investigate’; out of town license plates, police patrolling the First Avenue boat ramp, number of speeding motorcyclist ticketed so far this year, West Haven fireworks regulations, and illegal dumping of items at the curbs.
By the way residents in the Stevens, West Spring area, have you seen any police cars patrolling this area lately searching for illegal dumping in this neighborhood? I hope so. I have asked them through this column to do so.
Thank you for caring about West Haven. There are many, many, subscribers to the Voice and your comments will, I hope, create a surge of caring in this city
Coming up: abandoned truck on Front Avenue. Overgrown trees on Anderson Avenue….Colonial Boulevard driveway blockage…traffic light misguidance on the Post Road..basketball rim missing at Mason Park,,,, pot holes on Captain Thomas Boulevard….reader suggests our trash pickup system is updated….more illegal dumping of trash on Stevens Avenue…Nashawena Avenue gripe..stop sign at Marian and Middle…..Second Avenue speeders…..Atwood complex stop signs…damaged road at Greta and Sawmill Road… and much more.
You can send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or write Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 Your identity will be kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.