Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There seems to be a refusal to turn the heat on at the 300 Elm Street library. It is consistently very cold and unhealthy for those that use the free internet service and therefore stay in the library for an extended time. What will it take for them to tur n on the heat?
LT Joseph
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The bean counters are too cheap to turn the heat on in the library at 300 Elm Street. Mornings are becoming cold and there are freezing temperatures in the forecast. The public library is cold all day because the heat is off. The heater is too cold to touch. Its time for them to turn on the heat.
Mr. Ice M.S.
Dear LT and Mr. Ice:
I was able to reach the Executive Director of the West Haven Library, Colleen Bailie. A prompt response provided the following answer to your questioning the lack of heat at the West Haven Library, 300 Elm Street.
According to Bailie, “We are working on the problem and its an issue with our heating system that our contractor was notified of immediately this past week. We are awaiting a part to be replaced and are working diligently with our contractor to get the library temperature up to appropriate levels. Please assure your readers we are aware of how vital our services are, especially during the cold months to be a warm, comfortable environment for all.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Our trash pickup is long outdated. We need barrels with attached lids that ae picked up with the claw trucks not humans. People leave the trash uncovered as they blow or throw all over to be crushed by oncoming vehicles.
I have seen crews early in the morning picking up the plastic bags! Also, we badly need a transfer station just like Hamden, the city would be a lot cleaner and more inviting to businesses and new tenants. Electronics collections and bulk trash pickup three times a year doesn’t cut it.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I would like to know when, if ever, the Morse Park courts will be ready for use. The courts have been painted and a perimeter fence been installed but no backboards or rims. I see the softball fields being tended to regularly and used, however the basketball court remains dysfunctional.
MG Still Waiting
Dear MG:
I have always been under the impression that local councilmen and councilwomen bear the responsibility of offering assistance to the people in their districts. A majority of the time, I have found this to be true. However, I have been disappointed occasionally, as I have with your complaint.
I have notified William X. Conlon, 2nd district councilman, of your gripe four times and have not received a reply, even one indicating this complaint was not within his neighborhood, if that were the case.
A basketball court is a healthy sport activity and would benefit many young people. As soon as I hear from Councilman Conlon, one way or another, you’ll read the update here in Gripe Vine.
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
I have received many complaints, a number of them repetitive but caring and important referring to traffic safety. Many of them forwarded to council members and council women who have neglected to respond through Gripe Vine, for my readers. Bearing in mind, a number of these traffic safety gripes should be followed through to the best of the council representatives as possible.
Lately, here are a few of these traffic complaints: One of them requested was a stop sign at Marion and Middle Street, a school bus stop. The request was forwarded to the police department. Speeding, reported often on Second Avenue, Also, a dangerous traffic issue at Kelsey, Main, Wagner, and Elm Street.
Campbell Avenue and Captain Thomas Blvd., Potholes on Captain Thomas Blvd, a potentially dangerous traffic site. A dangerous pothole on northbound Kelsey Avenue, a missing stop light at Captain Thomas Blvd., and the broken traffic light at Campbell Avenue and the Veteran’s hospital.
The streets of West Haven need working traffic signals, stop signs for protection and roads without potholes endangering motorists and pedestrians.
On Nov. 4, I sent a voice mail to West Haven Police Chief Joseph Permo seeking his assistance with these and similar traffic hazards. I asked Chief Promo for his cooperation indicating I would forward these complaints directly to him for his scrutiny and solutions.
Please be aware I have received complaints relating to the Boston Post Road and I will forward these to the Department of Transportation for assistance.
I would like to ask you to include as complete as you can, locations of your gripes, facilitating a prompt, successful solution.
Coming up…..bulk trash gripe…more on West Spring gripe..Sawmill Road and Greta Street- huge crack in this road…graffiti marked stop p sign at 5-7 First Avenue…traffic light mal function at Campbell and Lamson…handicap parking spaces at city hall…pot hole on Kelsey Avenue..blight conditions on White Street… illegal driveway…improved traffic signs or traffic light at Campbell and Captain Thomas Blvd….Kelsey, Main, Wagner, Elm Street traffic light gripes..Second Avenue speeding…overgrown trees on Blohm Street…abandoned truck on Front Avenue and much more.
You can submit your gripes through our online form. All information will remain confidential.