Gripe Vine Readers:
I have received numerous complaints about the illegal dumping of trash at West Spring Street and Stevens Avenue. Residents have written to tell me they and their neighbors are pretty fed up with this ugly sight.. Gripe Vine ha published photos depicting this ugly scene
Here is some background for readers who are unfamiliar with this illegal dumping area. Gripe Vine has requested the West Haven Police initiate a program in which squad cars swing by this site, daylight or evening and make an attempt to notify people that this area is not a dropping off lot for garbage or broken furniture. Of course our local police officers are busy, I’m sure, and their time out on the road is meant to prevent crimes and provide safety. However, this particular area is adequately covered I’m sure and it would be beneficial for residents to know people dropping trash may be scrutinized by local police.
How to stop this discarding of trash? I have a few suggestions. Perhaps someone in the city will pick up on these tips, particularly Mayor Nancy Rossi who will contact department heads and get this mess removed.
~~ Locate the lot owner and notify them of these conditions. The lot owner should be made aware of their responsibilities.
~~ Contact the city’s health department of these conditions. They are trained to know how to deal with potentially hazardous conditions and when necessary will notify authorities and make the various city departments aware of potential health hazards at this site.
~~ Obtain the proper regulations necessary to prohibit dumping at this site with a posted sign listing the penalties for ignoring a city’s posting.
~~ The local councilman or councilwoman could make a point of following through with city officials that this site is being monitored.
~~ Write a letter o r email to Gripe Vine when you spot illegal dumping.
~~ If you are dropping off appliances, furniture, car parts or trash, STOP!
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Gripe Vine Readers:
I have been mad aware by some of my readers that West Haven’s three times a year bulk pick up is not adequate. Suggestions include. “Why don’t we have a waste disposal area like Milford and other cities?” O.K. I’m asking our councilmen and councilwomen to find out just why this plan has not been considered? Write to me, [email protected] and I will relay your input to my readers. Has this plan ever been considered? If not, why not? A favorite expression I hear from my readers many times, “We pay high enough taxes, why not?”
Coming up: More on bulk trash pickup..Sawmill Road and Greta Street road crack…graffiti marked stop sign…city hall parking,,,pot holes on Capt. Thomas Blvd…..blight conditions on White Street…non functioning traffic light at Campbell and Capt. Blvd…Kelsey,Main, Wagner and Elm Traffic gripe..Marion and Middle Street stop sign…Second Avenue speeding…overgrown trees on Blohm Street…UI gripe on tree cutting…Brown Street sidewalks endangering elderly…new sidewalk crossing law and much more.
You can send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or submit by mail to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. You can also submit through our online form.