Gripe Vine Readers”
Here we are again at the end of the year. It has been quite a year for this columnist, receiving your complaints, participating in their completions with city officials, councilmen and councilwomen and with the cooperation from The West Haven Voice Editor, Bill Riccio
Today’s column will offer our readers with a brief run down of this past year’s gripes offering you a glimpse into what this column provides to its readers.
Let’s begin with the basketball hoops missing at Third Avenue Park, and a huge sign here closing because of Covid 19. A huge accident took place on Second Avenue, (which to this day, adds to the bulk of my email, I notified Council people on this numerous times,) heavy truck traffic on Voss Road, high grass needed to be cut down on Nonquit Street and the many complaints of loud motorcycles on Ocean Avenue.
Rain-soaked trash on city streets, out of towners displaying Connecticut license plates and many questions on the effectiveness of tire blocks on autos for those people not paying their city taxes. Gripes came in displaying anger on huge six-wheel trucks on city streets, making short cuts through city streets and open trash filled dumpsters overstaying their use in residential neighborhoods. Decayed and overgrown trees brough anger from my readers. Readers complained of dead and decaying trees on the green hoping pruning and removal would occur.
Also increased lighting was requested on Captain Thomas Blvd, A reader requested the removal of a neighbors’ accumulated brush, branches and tree limbs, Readers were delighted at the Motor Vehicle Department providing convenience for motorists at the City Hall, mor complaints of speeding on Second Avenue, American Flag displaying gripe, unkempt gripe at the Bradley Point Memorial regarding the unkempt condition at this site, 24 foot broken sidewalk at Painter Drive and Noble Avenue.
Dee Street repave requested, huge potholes on Plainfield Avenue, Knox Street loud music gripe, Benham Hill and Hubbard Roads motorists speeding, potholes on Meloy Road illegal trucks on Jones Hill Road, trash dumpsters on Bellvue Avenue with a resident’s request to have them removed, loud, speeding motorcycles on Ocean Avenue and Fourth Avenue and downed wires on Edwards Street.
And there’s more. Illegal parking on Front Street, hanging cable wires, speeding and safety issues at Benham Hill Road and Hubbard, Chestnut Street and between Savin and Chelsey “strewn with pot holes”, speeders on Edwards and Beach Street, senior center locations gripe, Complaints of lack of paving on Allings Crossing Road, too many tv commercials on television, surrounding streets off Michaels Drive needed paving, speeding motorcycles on 4th Avenue, gripes on dumpsters used as storage areas, Prospect Avenue complaints of houses that need demolition, speeding on Beach Street ,numerous complaints of the need for cleanup at the Veteran’s Memorial area and Bocci Court complaints.
A No Parking sign needed at Atwood Complex, Quigley Stadium missing sign, Beacon Hill Road high grass out of control, Washington Street speed bump, Central Avenue fallen tree on city property, speeding on Third Avenue, and Main, speeding dump trucks on Jones Hill Road, stop sign needed on First and Campbell, Wood Hill Road needed paving, railing needed at City Hall entrance, stop sign needed at Main and Third Avenue Allingtown Green complaints and cleanup streets in Allingtown. Speeding traffic on Marian and Middle Street, noise ordinance ignored, parking cars near fire hydrant, Voss Road truck traffic, illegal dumping on Lester Street, pool collapse causing gallons of water to adjoin properties, broken elevator at the Williston Building, Fairfax Street pothole, and an abandoned truck on Front Avenue.
Potholes on Captain Thomas Blvd, excessive, illegal dumping at Stevens Avenue, West Haven fireworks regulation, graffiti marked stop signs, bulk trash pick ups Brown Street cracked sidewalk dangerous to elderly, UI gripe on cutting trees down and as I write today’s column, there are more gripes coming in.
For regular and new readers to Gripe Vine, you are invited to submit your gripes, comments and issues to gripevine4wh@aol.com Please include your name, address, phone or email address, kept in strict confidence with me and I will do my best to help solve your complaints.
My sincere thanks to all my readers for your patience in waiting for solutions to your requests. If you don’t see your solutions published, please, send them to me again.
I hope the coming year will be a healthy one for all of us. Happy holidays to everyone.