Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Recently, I was attempting to cross Campbell Avenue, where you have to be careful because of the large number of cars that travel there, when, as I stepped off the curb a car went flying by so close to me I was stunned. That was not frightening enough, the driver of the car shouted out to me, “Watch your step lady, we drivers have to watch the road, not people stepping into traffic.”
I am sure, Eleanore, motorists must look out for people, too. Wasn’t there a new law out to protect the pedestrians? I also want to add to automobile drivers to skip the shouting and slow down!
Scared Pedestrian
Dear Scared Pedestrian:
Yes, there is a new law to protect pedestrians and alert motorists. Connecticut General Statutes 14-300 9c) effective October 1, 2021. Connecticut s passed important new laws to protect pedestrians while crossing the street at a crosswalk.
This new law permits pedestrians to signal oncoming traffic that the pedestrian intends to cross the street and requires the driver to slow or stop the car to let the pedestrian to then cross.
The pedestrian can then step to the curb at the crosswalk, and signal intention to cross by raising his or her hand and step toward of oncoming traffic. The pedestrian can also signal intention to cross,,,” by moving his or her body, or an extension thereof, indicating, but not limited to a wheelchair, cane, walking stick, crutch, bicycle, electric bicycle ,stroller, carriage, cart or bobsled or harnessed dog into the crosswalk at the entrance to the crosswalk.”
These new laws also apply at marked crosswalks and “unmarked crosswalks.”
An unmarked crosswalk is “That portion of a highway ordinarily included within the prolongation or connection of the lateral lines of sidewalks at intersection.” In other words, the place where the crosswalk lines would basically be painted if the sidewalk were to continue across the intersection.
Once the driver slows down or stops to let the pedestrian cross, other cars behind the car that has stopped, may not pass the stopped vehicle. Connecticut General Statutes 14-300, ( c) 300, October 1, 2021.
Readers, while I am alerting you of present and new laws today. I decided to offer additional road safety information that we can all use.
There will be a new law that prohibits opening your car door into “moving traffic” which will include pedestrians, bicyclist or bicyclists or riders of electric scooters from being hit by open car doors. The law requires that motorists close their doors after passengers are loaded or unloaded. Prohibiting physical contact with pedestrians, bicyclist’s or others using sidewalks, shoulders or bikeways. For a violation of this new statute a policeman will give a ticket for “dooring” somebody. (Public Act 21-28, Section 4
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have written you recently about illegal parking at West Haven’s City Hall. Did you hear anything from City Hall on this problem?
Really Irritated!
Dear Really Irritated:
Mayor Nancy Rossi replied: “If a car is illegally parked at a city hall handicap space someone would have to report it to the WHPD. To be considered illegal it would mean there isn’t any (handicapped sign) placed on the dash or handicap designation on the marker plate. So, if someone notices this, please report it, they can call my office and give us the marker plate and make and model of the car and we can contac tthe police.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am sick and tired of having to deal with my bulk trash. There are other cities like Milford that provide this service to taxpayers. These cities have an area within the city so residents can deposit their bulk trash, why can’t we?
Update System
Dear Update System:
I have written to Mayor Nancy Rossi seeking an answer to your question. I am sure you will read the mayor’s response here soon.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Why is the United Illuminating Company allowed to cut trees down all-over West Haven?
This has been going on for seven years now and nobody tries to stop them. I see other city blocks where all the trees are gone. This is very bad for the environment and looks bad as well. Trees need to be trimmed not cut down.
William Shine
Dear William Shine:
I will contact the United Illuminating Company and attempt to find their reasoning for cutting down so many trees in West Haven.
Coming up…malfunctioning pedestrian and traffic signal on Derby Avenue ….dangerous walking conditions on Brown Street…huge pothole on Fairfax Street… no sign for two lanes merging on Campbell Avenue…crack on road on Sawmill Road and Greta Street…potholes on Capt. Thomas Blvd..blight conditions on White Street…stop light Capt. Thomas Blvd..stop sign at Marian and Middle Street.. speeding on Second Avenue…overgrown trees on Blohm Street…
You can submit your gripes, comments or issues too [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o The West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. Please include your name, address, phone and email address, kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.