Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The baseball fields by Chick’s Drive-In are contaminated with lots of dog feces and goose feces along with chewed up balls and of course garbage. This disgusting material degrades into the soil, therefore contaminating it. With sprung coming and the kids (old and young) are playing there, they are playing on contaminated soil. Do they realize this? This is a public issue that no one is addressing.
There are law sin West Haven for dog owners to pick up their dog poop and keep their dogs on a six-foot leash, yet there are many people who do not follow this, and no one ever enforces it.
My husband and I take our dog to the dog field to run in an enclosed area. We always watch him and pick up his poop. We feel it is a privilege that the city lets us do this yet so many people are taking advantage and are leaving a disgusting mess. We have approached people to pick up their dog’s poop and to keep their dog on a leash. We have been accosted, sworn at, and threatened to be shot.
There have been signs put up detailing the laws, but someone tore them down multiple times. For the lazy people who take their dog to run and poop all over and dig holes, but they are not dog lovers and probably don’t even vaccinate their dog, let alone care for the public or for the sake of the children and other people who use the park. They are selfish people. Hopefully, you can shed light on this problem and help the mayor keep our city clean.
John and Patti Zilinski
Dear Zilinskis
My readers and dog owners will be eager to see if three will be an improvement inn this area very soon’ West Haven taxpayers as well. If you are regular visitors here, please let me know if you see any changes here. Email [email protected], or write to Gripe Vine 840 Boston Post Road-West Haven 06516
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There are two big holes in front of 305 Captain Thomas Blvd. One is in front of in the northbound lane and the other in the southbound lanes. If no one calls attention to these holes they will just remain there instead of being filled. Another hole I would like to see filled is at Savin Avenue and Main Street northbound. This is a severe and serious hole that should be refilled without any delay!
Dear JY:
Following receipt of your letter I notified Councilman William Conlon of your concerns and have not yet received his reply. You can be sure the Councilman will be in touch with Gripe Vine and make efforts to resolve these issues
Coming up: When will the Ward Heitman museum reopen…huge crack in the road at Sawmill Road and Greta Street…traffic light not working at Campbell Avenue and Captain Thomas Blvd …overgrown trees on Blohm Street…traffic sign needed at two-lane merge at Campbell Avenue going south. Pot- holes on Ashwood… Christmas decorations need at the Grove…large pot- holes at Third ‘Avenue…Kelsey, Main and Wagner, Elm, traffic “mess”… sidewalk… no place to dispose of bulk trash. Crushed shells on public property… and much more.
If you have an issue, complaint or gripe send it to [email protected] or mail it to Grapevine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. You can also submit through our online form.