Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Our city can replace our city trash receptacles with either something more secure, so wildlife doesn’t get in. Or, since that option is expensive just please get covers for the trash receptacles already in place. The birds really should not be ingesting the junk tossed out in those cans. It’s better for our community to eradicate trash! . Also good for tourism.
Thanks, C C
Dear Thanks CC:
I have contacted the Councilman William X Conlon for your district to assist you with this problem. Meanwhile, appearance in Gripe Vine today will spark some interest for the Public Works Director. Please contact me with an update. Also, you will see the photos you submitted in today’s column.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There are large potholes here at Third and Bluhm Streets close to the corner. Can we get these filled?
Resident, SP
Dear SP:
I will see that your Council Representatives, Councilwomen Bridgett Hoskie and an Councilman d William X. Conlon will receive your complaint of potholes. Please stay connected with Gripe Vine as to the filling of these potholes.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Why do the snowplows always push snow to the even side of the street? Why not alternate to the even and odd? And what can be done about these Robo Calls?
SP Leete Street Resident
Dear SP Leete Street:
I have been working on helpful Robo information and it will appear in a near future column. Tips to help and latest research will be included.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There are potholes on Church Street and Savin Avenue. In the spring there should be hot patches not cold patches. Never sticks.
Tired of Potholes
Dear Tired of Potholes:
I have notified your Councilwoman, Bridgette Hoskie of this pothole problem. Watch for her reply in a future column.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Park Street between Savin Avenue and Campbell needs to be paved. It is in real bad shape.
CB Neighbor
Dear CB::
I have been in contact with your district’s Councilman, William X. Conlon. As soon as I hear from him, I will publish his response to your request.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There are blighted and hazardous materials on White Street. Indicating a severe, hazardous/flammable waste on a property and illegal zoning inside of the first-floor basement. Numerous complaints have been made on this apartment over the years. And much worse as you walk around the property. Why does everyone have to suffer, slum property owners not holding their tenants responsible. Why isn’t the city not holding anyone accountable?
Dear EZ:
I have forwarded your complaint to Elizabeth Johnston, the District Council Woman for your district. As soon as her reply arrives, I will publish it in Gripe Vine.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
It would be nice if city workers could pick up trash along the street. The city is starting to look really bad with garbage all over the place.
Also, the city needs to start charging residents for blighted property; they are the main reasons for some of the trash.
Help Keep WH Clean
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
I have written this column for over 17 years and have always admired West Haven residents for their sincere concern of the beauty of their city. Today’s column indicates this sincerity continues. Hats off to West Haven residents!
Coming up…illegal parking at the high school baseball field …too early trash picks up at Hillside and Central Avenue… Ward Heitman House inquiries continues…Robo calls research and solutions…Stop signs at Captain Thomas and Campbell Avenue gripe…handicap ramps issue….and much more.
You can send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 All your communications are kept in private with me. You can also submit through our online form.