Gripe Vine Readers:
Several columns ago, I received a complaint from a reader who asked me why some of the lights on the city’s Green were not lit. I was able to contact a source that would help with this problem. Thanks to my reader who initially noted the problem kept in touch, noting that the lights were still not operating Several weeks later.
Good news! Today I can tell you, the lights are now functioning! My reader wrote, “Yes! They finally replaced the lights on the Green! after a few weeks!”
With a city the size of West Haven and a beautiful Green the lights should be checked regularly, not only to display the Green but for safety’s sake as well.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
As a single parent raising a child it, has happened more than once. The landscaper mows, leaf blows early at 8 a.m. disturbing the whole neighborhood. Please start later and have consideration for your neighbors.
Annoyed Resident
Dear Resident:
I did some research on West Haven’s noise ordinances:
Landscaping can be done 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Additional inquiries related to a resident or company’s use of hours of service I suggest a call to the Board of Health in West Haven, (203) 9373-660
Gripe Vine Readers:
In a recent column, I received a gripe from a resident on Cold Spring Road who complained of a street sign dangling. I notified d our Police Department and today I received the following note, from the letter writer, “Hurray! The Cold Spring Road dangling sign is all taken care of.”
My thanks to the West Haven Police Department. How refreshing to see a request taken care of promptly!
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Quite often in your column I see that you attempt to get readers’ problems solved by writing to the Councilmen or Councilwomen who are responsible for residents in their districts. Just how do we know what district we live in and who is responsible for helping you? We would also like to know how to reach them. It is assumed that everyone has access to the internet and can try to reach them this way, but some residents don’t have access to the internet, or they are not proficient with emailing. Do you have the answers?
Just Curious
Dear Just Curious:
Well, yes I do! A friendly, helpful staff member at the City Clerk’s Office provided the answer to your inquiry:
If you have a question concerning a problem in your neighborhood, and you don’t know which Councilmen or Council Woman to contact, you can call the City Clerk’s Office at (203) 937-3535. Give your street identification and they will locate the district you’re in and the contact number for your council representative. If you don’t have access to a computer (I am sure you will be provided the Council email addresses as well) you will receive the council member’s phone number or address, enabling you to place your concern with the council person in you district.
Of course, you can contact Gripe Vine and I will do my best to help solve your gripe.
A note: A list of all the street pothole gripes were published in the last Gripe Vine column. I forwarded them to the Public Works Department. If these potholes have not been repaired or if you want to add your street to the list, send them to me. Please let me know whether your pothole complaint has been repaired or not.
You can submit your gripes, comments and issues by contacting [email protected]. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict conditionality with me. Or you can fill out the form in my column and mail it to Gripevine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. You can also submit through the online form.