Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
I have been made aware of a dangerous situation at Enright and Rangely Street. “Well, its going on four months now and still no action by the WHPD on this issue. (Please read further and you will see the WHPD has been making an effort to watch this area.)
This intersection at Enright and Rangely Street is a school bus stop and kids will be returning to school. The Stop sign has to be enforced on Rangely Street going down the hill before a kid is killed.
Continuing comments, “There was a near miss last week when a car blew through this stop sign. THIS IS A SCHOOL BUS STOP intersection and a child almost got hit. Where are the West Haven cops?”
Another reader commented, “The WHPD actually had a car sitting on Enright Street recently, assuming for this issue. The only problem is that the police car was in plain view with its lights on, easily seen.”
Readers, I have notified Councilman Peter Massaro of these complaints. Let me know if there is any improvement here. I agree, a dangerous situation.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The blight along the shoreline between Washington and Second Avenues continues to get worse and gives our city a rundown appearance. While it is unfortunate that not much seems to be happening at the old Debonnaire and Chick’s eye sores, our leaders have the ability to address the run-down skate park property. It’s disgraceful that this under-utilized parcel is allowed to get worse year after year.
Many cities across the country have developed parks for the intensely popular sport of Pickle Ball, which appeals to all age groups. I suggest that our leaders take a look at the blighted skate park and improve our city by tearing it down and constructing new pickle ball courts. Besides quantifying that part of our shoreline. It will be welcomed recreation for all residents.
George Gorham
Dear George Gorham:
I have notified the Council member, Meli Garthwait, for your district to investigate this area. Watch for results in Gripe Vine.
You can submit your gripes, comments, issues and suggestions to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.
Rossi told the PD not to patrol or stop violators!