Dear Eleanore Turkington:
My name is Veronica Alston. My husband Luis and I are both disabled West Haven residents and would like to express our concerns about the lack of maintenance of our Street, Fay Street.
We have been experiencing major flooding in our basement with every torrential rainfall since 2018 due to water drainage issues on our street.
My husband who has Cerebral Palsy goes out to clear the storm drain before bad weather approaches.
In July 2021 Storm Elsa brought nine inches of water into our basement causing major destruction to not only the floors and walls, but the replacement of our washer, dryer, and furnace.
After several days of phone calls to public works and the mayor’s office, the former state rep along with the commissioner came to assess the damage to our property.
We were told in 2021 by the commissioner that the street would be reconstructed, and a lip would be put in front of our driveway to slow down the water coming into our home sometime in the month of October 2021.
Nothing has ever been done and now we have even more problems to contend with.
There are deep and dangerous potholes on our street that has become a safety hazard to both residents and visitors.
Calls to city hall still go unanswered and ignored.
My husband and I vote every election hoping for a change that never happens. We pay taxes and its not fair that we have to be subjected to this. We understand that flooding has been an issue to West Haven but how many years do we have to wait and how many years do we have to wait before something gets done.
I’m totally blind and my husband has Cerebral Palsy, we have a neighbor who has a hard time walking and three minor children on the street.
We would like our story to be heard and then maybe someone would listen.
Veronica Alston
Dear Veronica Alston:
I have contacted your District Council Woman, Katherine Tucker, explaining your concerns. Please let me know if you were able to receive assistance and I will be happy to share this information with my readers.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The article in the Aug. 18, 2022, issue of the West Haven Voice entitled, “City halts beach vagrancy” is totally wrong.”
The homeless people have been living in the area around the Lone Sailor Statue for two years. There is a working faucet that supplies water for them. Since the problem of public urination and defecation by the beaches has increased, the city chose t leave a porta potty there. This happened way before the recent spate of hot weather.
Mayor Rossi has been forced to pay attention the vagrant problem because the number of homeless has increased. They are now sleeping on the outdoor patio of the decaying Savin Rock Conference Center and on other beaches in the Grove.
What was once West Haven’s treasure, the beaches and boardwalk has become a pitiful site. Benches are rusting and brown weeds are through the cracks of the veterans’ bricks and the fountain has been removed because it was in disrepair. There is a general sense of neglect.
No, readers, it is not the summer heat that brought out the vagrants and total disinterest in our shoreline. The fault lies with our public works director who was the mayor’s campaign manager and our entire city government. They just don’t care.
Regular Beach Walker
Dear Eleanoreo Turkington:
The potholes on Church Street and Savin Avenue should have hot patches as cold patches never sticks.
Dear Taxpayer:
I have corresponded with your District’s Council Person, Bridgette Hoskie concerning your gripe. Her most recent response,” I have sent follow ups.” Has Church Street potholes been refiled ?
Coming up. Crumbling asphalt on Hillcrest Avenue…Greta Street potholes as well as under the bridge…Farmer’s Market inquiries…more porta potties requested…and much more
Send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.