Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Would you please look into the gauntlet at Gilbert Street? Everyday , people constantly run the light here as well as Font Street.
PH Observer
Dear Observer:
I wrote to Councilman Peter Massaro seeking a solution to your complaint as this area is in Councilman Massaro’s district.
According to Councilman Massaro, “This is a police matter, not a councilperson. I spoke to the police chief; he doesn’t have enough cars just to park at that intersection. He told me he will do the best he can on this issue.”
Well, readers, I am sure, my readers appreciate the efforts councilpersons make to relieve such problems that taxpayers endure throughout the city. From my many years of experience I have found most councilpersons make a sincere effort to be of assistance, although I have discovered it sometimes takes two or three requests to get their attention.
According to a little research, “The role of a council member is to provide leadership and added guidance to the community. To be effective council members need to understand the views of the people.”
A special thank you to the councilpersons of West Haven who have taken the time to respond to my readers’ complaints and in many cases have helped solved their problems within the city.
This particular hazardous traffic problem has been called to the attention of West Haven’s Police Chief who has promised to oversee this situation when ever possible This is a dangerous area . Let’s not wait until we hear the crash of metal and glass to do something about it.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, here are three of them from Stevens Street, all filled with discarded junk. Can the City of West Haven post a sign, clean it up and make many of us proud to live here?

We Taxpayers Care
Dear Care:
These photos you submitted describing dumping on Stevens Avenue, are evidence of selfish, non caring people. City of West Haven, clean this up and post signs prohibiting dumping including a fine.
You can send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road 06516 Please include your name, address and phone number kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.