Dear Eleanore Turkington:
What does the Public Works Department have against patching potholes? We still have potholes from last winter that have never been repaved yet on Fairfax Street and Ardale Street, Its pathetic. West Haven is the worst town in Connecticut at patching.
Dear SB:
I have contacted your district Councilperson, Robbin Watt Hamilton and requested repairing f these potholes on these streets. Her reply, “I have forwarded these concerns to the Public Works Commissioner.”
Dear F.B. if these potholes have not been patched after you read today’s column, I will correspond with Councilperson Watt Hamilton and continue to follow up on these patches. Please be sure to notify me if there are any changes here.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The crossing guard at Morgan Lane and Shingle Hill Road, frequently stops traffic at Morgan Lane to allow the buses at Shingle Hill Road to turn onto Morgan Lane. It is my understanding the crossing guards are to help people and students cross streets, not buses and cars. Additionally, the crossing guard has created her own parking spot on the grassy area between the road and the sidewalk. The road in front of Bailey looks so much nicer with a curb and grass, but by creating her own parking spot it’s looking poorly again. Why is she able to stop cars on Morgan Lane for the movement of traffic and why is she permitted to create her own parking space?
Just Curious
Dear Just Curious:
Sgt.Joseph D’Amato, Supervisor of the Traffic Department at the West Haven Police Department, promptly responded to your questions with: ”In the crossing guard handbook it reads, ‘As a school crossing guard you will direct motorists and pedestrians. You must take command of your intersection.’ With this wording the City of West Haven crossing guards are not in the wrong for directing buses or motorists.”
As far as parking on the grass, the crossing guard who works at this location was informed to park at the school’s driveway off to the side or in the parking lot.
Just as a side note the reader also contacted the traffic office and she was informed of the same information.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Would you please check out an abandoned automobile blocking the sidewalk at the corner of Peck and William Street? Please correct this situation.
Dear Annoyed:
Council member, Meli Garthwait was notified of this situation and replied, that the car was removed.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I can’t believe that they took down the skate park. Yes, it was a mess, but the city never did anything for it. It was never cleaned or maintained. They said that it was a mess to look at. Really!!! What about the Debononare, the Haven, the old Captain’s Galley. Are those OK to look at? This whole city is a mess if you ask me. Where are they supposed to ride now? That’s why I call this city “Waste Haven.” We have the longest shoreline in Connecticut and there is nothing there worthwhile. The center of town has nothing in it. There is no reason to go there.
They say they are going to build condos where Chick’s was, but they can’t do anything until they fix the road. Who knows how long that will take. I feel bad for all the people that ride. The day before the park was taken down, a whole bunch of people came to ride it for the last time. So sad, because I am the one who pleaded with the city for years to build it. I remember when they used to have contests there. The pace was packed every time. They did that for quite a few years. Now its all gone. Its just too bad.
Sadly, DT
Ed. Note: The condominium development at the former Chick’s property is now under construction.
Coming up…more potholes to patch…what’s taking so long?…Washington Avenue property needing cleanup…missing trash pickup….Campbell Avenue gripe..Rockdale Road…missing street sign at Tuttle Street…
You can send your gripes, comments or issues to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT 06516. You can also submit through our online form.