Dear Gripe Vine Readers::
Just a reminder, this column now has a new email address. If you have been sending your gripes, questions and comments to the previous address and have not received a reply from me or a solution has not appeared in Gripe Vine, it is possible I never received it.
Here, once again is Gripe Vine’s new email address [email protected].
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Not really a gripe, but more of an observation. I have been looking on lien to find websites/etc. for the various mayoral candidates running in the next election. I really had no luck finding any actual website for any candidates. I did not find a website for the West Haven Republican Party or the West Haven Democratic Party. I know some information is available on Facebook. It would be a good idea for the parties and t he candidates to have a website outline basic information about why the voters should consider voting for them. Include the candidates background as it relates to running for mayor and an outline of their platforms for West Haven’s future.
Many voters want to know what the candidate brings to the table, how the candidate hopes to stabilize West Haven’s financial future and economici development and specifically how the candidate plans to work with the MARB to get the city back on track.
Setting up a website and allowing voters to be able to subscribe for updates regarding the candidate is well worth the effort it you are serious about running for Mayor in the next election cycle.
Sincerely Uniformed Voter
Dear Sincerely Uninformed Voter:
I will be looking forward to my readers’ responses to your suggestion of an online West Haven mayoral website.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have been trying for the past 10 months to get a missing street sign on Tuttle Street which has been missing since before summer.
I have called the West Haven Maintenance Department, and the West Haven Police Traffic Department to no avail. I would appreciate your help.
Disappointed Resident
Dear Disappointed Resident:
I have contacted Councilwoman Kathrine Tucker several times seeking assistance with your complaint of a missing sign on Tuttle Street. To date Gripe Vine has not received a reply. Gripe Vine will be looking for a reply from Councilwoman Tucker or you, indicating the sign has been replaced. If there are residents in this neighborhood who have seen the installation of a new street sig, please contact Gripe Vine.
A special thank you to all City Council Members: I have and do appreciate the time you take to follow up on resident’s city complaints.
Readers, you can send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or you can mail them to Gripe Vine, c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT 06516. Your submissions are always treated with confidentially with me. You can also submit through our online form.