Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have lived in the same area since I was born near Rockdale Road. There is this house, on Rockdale Road, that has been being built since the 90’s It has yet to be finished and the city doesn’t do anything. They are scared of the owner. Last year she cut down city trees to try and make a driveway leading up the backyard of the unfinished home using a paper road that I Chauncey Street. The city officials didn’t do much other than put a chain up, blocking the paper road. City Councilman Peter Massaro knows about the situation, which has done nothing. Someone definitely needs to get Councilman Massaro to help. I mean come on, since the 90’s we complained to him (and others) and he hasn’t helped us.
In this unfinished home, there is trash and furniture being placed inside. If you look on google maps it only shows you the street views since 2011 and you can see it’s still not finished. Where are the fines? There should have been fines since the 90’s. It’s disgusting and the outside is never kept clean. Neighbors complain that her trash goes into their yads all the time.
We the people from Rockdale Road and Chauncey Street are tired of our voices going unheard by the City of West Haven and Councilman Massaro.
Hopefully this time my voice can finally get something done.
Ashamed To Be A Westie
Dear Ashamed:
I forwarded a copy of your letter to Councilman Peter Massaro. He replied, “I am not going to comment on this letter. This person, if she lived in that area for a long time, then she knows the history about that address. Tell her to go to the Building Department and she will get all the information at that address. This has been going on for many years and the city was involved and the fire service. The City Council is not the Building Gepartment. We so not interfere with department city codes.”
Councilman Peter Massaro
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
A reader has written and complained to Gripe Vine about the “mess at 307 Washington Ave.” There is an empty lot at this location with dumped trash, high weeds, broken fences, and uncut grass.
I have forwarded this complaint to District Councilwoman Sarah J. Ackbarali, who has indicated she will follow up on this issue.
Coming up…potholes on Fairfax Street and Arsdale Street….endless tv commercials…more on Robo Cals and Ward Heitman House ..downtown appearance and much more.
You can send your complaints, issues and comments to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, C 06516. Please include your name, address, phone number, kept in strict confidence with me only. You can also submit through our online form.