Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Back in July Gripe Vine received a gripe from a reader complaining that there were four street lights out for four years on Altchuler Boulevard. The complaint also included frustration from contacting various offices including the United Illuminating Company and West Haven Public Works for assistance. This reader asked Gripe Vine for help. At the time I indicated Gripe Vine would follow through and get the job done. Unfortunately, I found myself experiencing the same frustration, but if you are a regular reader of Gripe Vine, you have learned over the years, I don’t give up easily!! So, today I am happy to publish this reader’s recent correspondence to Gripe Vine:
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Eleanore, the street lights are all on! It’s a beautiful thing! Thank you so much. You did it!
Gripe Vine Readers:
I received a complaint from a reader who felt that the two security guards at City Hall entrance was not necessary. Here’s a few comments relating to this complaint:
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The one entrance to City Hall is obviously a safety concern and the two security guards are there for just that, “security,” that hopefully keep those that enter City Hall safe . I appreciate those two men and hope they never have the need to secure the building or put themselves in danger in order to protect anyone else in the building.
A Caring Resident
A Caring West Haven Resident is joined by two other readers who wrote:
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
God Bless these Security Officers who protect the entrance to City Hall. Be safe! Killian Gruber, Executive Administrative Assistant, Office of the Mayo also submitted the following comment on the placement of two security officers at the City Hall entrance:
“During the pandemic City Hall began to utilize only one entrance. This policy has stayed in place to ensure the safety of taxpayers, residents, and City employees. They are able to quickly secure the building in case of an emergency. They also assist by directing residents to the correct offices and locations in the building. Our office is appreciative of the work the security guards do and the help they provide residents that come in with any questions.”
Gripe Vine Readers:
Back in November I received a number of traffic complaints relating to the gantlet at Gilbert Street. According to my letter writers, people are running the red light here. Following notifying the authorities, I would like to know if this practice is continuing. Please let me know.
Gripe Vine has also received complaints of potholes on Fairfax Steet. This condition has been reported, but I’m still receiving complaints.. If you live on Fairfax Street please let me know if this condition has been repaired.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Following an explanation of road rules in your column recently from the WHPD on how to correctly stop at a STOP sign, I would like to submit my opinion on this same practice since I am traveling on the road all the time. In my opinion, in proceeding to a STOP sign the safe practice of cars coming to a STOP equally, the car on the left to a car to its right must yield to entering the safe passage.
On The Road Reader
To AAU who wrote a lengthy handwritten letter to Gripe Vine, unless you identify yourself, I cannot explore your complaints and comments. Your identity will be secure, but I need to have this information for.
Gripe Vine Reader, you may send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected]. Please include your name, address and phone number kept in strictest confidence with me. Or you cann mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516