Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I read they will soon be doing some work at the Grove. What has it been, a couple of years? What they should do is put hedges where the wooden fence is and give it class! Also instead of concrete, how about a board walk It sounds better instead of concrete walk. Does the fountain also get walked on? It’s been off more than it sprinkles!
Maybe they can put some of those push carts that they have on Coney Island? Just an idea.
Ralph Ferrucci, Jr.
Good to hear from West Haven Citizens who offer their city improvement suggestions .Let’s hear some more!!
Gripe Vine Readers:
Recently, Gripe Vine ran a gripe from a reader living on Leete Street who complained of a neighbor who regularly maintained his car on his driveway and the street facing his home. The letter writer wrote to Gripe Vine complaining he and another neighbor had to regularly pour sand on the oil spills.
After receiving this letter and publishing it in a recent Gripe Vine, I contacted the City; s Councill person, Meli Garthwait for assistance. Councilwoman Garthwait followed through and provided my readers with the following response: “I did not get an answer from the department head, which means I had to go stand in front of them. I will be out all day tomorrow so I will go to city hall on Wednesday (November 8) and get back to you. Thanks for your patience.”
As of this date, I have not heard from Councilwoman Garthwait with a response to this complaint. It will appear in Gripe Fine when that happens.
Gripe Vine Readers:
Recently I received a complaint regarding the poor condition at Donald and Jeffrey Street citing n a broken pavement and open manhole cover. According to the reader, “I called the city three times and nothing was done.”
I notified Councilwoman Katherine Tucker of this condition. Her reply, “Thank you for reaching out to regarding the pavement. I will report your concerns to public works.”
Readers, if you send a complaint to Gripe Vine and your gripe is ignored by the city, there is no way I can continue to resolve it unless I hear from you. If there is an imminent danger because of your gripe, and it h’s being ignored by the city, let me know. My email is [email protected] I check my mail daily and I will either notify the city’s department head or the police department.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Cars park all the way down Highland Avenue and once you come over the hill there is no parking signs all the way down. So, moms with kids as well as adults have to walk far into the street . This is very dangerous.
Bassett Street Resident
Dear Resident:
I will contact the West Haven Police Department and ask them to look into this complaint. The reply will appear in the next Gripe Vine.
Readers, if you have a complaint, suggestion or issue, send them to Gripe Vine 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 or email them to me at [email protected] . You can also submit through our online form.
Meanwhile, I hope you and your family enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving!