Gripe Vine Readers who will remember this infamous date will no doubt have difficulty reading he large headlines in newspapers declaring Japan Bombed Pearl Harbor!! Lest we forget!
I remember black shades on windows, squatting in the basement of Longfellow School, Bridgeport, Connecticut. And the big word RATIONING!
However, today, Gripe Vine is presenting a more recent event for our new council people to ponder. I will be looking for a prompt answer for my next column.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have lived in West Haven for five years now and would like to appeal for help and report speeding on my street, Shingle Hill Road.
After observing the traffic on a regular basis and found that 33% of all vehicles are exceeding the posted speed limit of 25mph.
Also, school buses going by the house from Bailey Middle School are regularly speeding. These buses carry school children and need to be asked to slow down. Decidedly, buses #204, 224, 234
In addition, this same day, I counted 200 vehicles, which were speeding. There are a number of concerned neighbors among myself with young children and grandchildren exiting or visiting on a regular basis.
I appeal to you for help to get the West Haven Police Department and Commission to take corrective action on Shingle Hill Road and, more throughout the entire city, to address speeding.
Dear Respectfully JA:
‘Gripe Vine has notified West Haven Chief of Police of the condition on Shingle Hill Road i have also directly notified the West Haven Chief of Police of the speeding on Shingle Hill Road. You should see an increased police coverage on this road. If not, let me know immediately. Gipe Vine has also been in contact with authorities on the bus speeding. Let me know, please.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am hoping this letter will spark someone at this time. I would like to see a nice bakery open in West Haven, one that bakes multi-grain, really wheat, etc., breads, The stores do but not the real things. We had two fine bakeries, but they only sold white bread, though I still miss them, Wolfe’s and Peschell’s. There always seem to be other people in them, so it wasn’t because of patronage. Let’s hope someone is reading my letter.
Florence P
Dear Florence P:
Your letter might spark interest in local bakeries adding this product. Gripe Vine for an answer.’
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I called three times City Hall to get an absentee ballot. I even spoke to the mayor’s office but was sent to another office. I never got a call back. Never received a ballot. Never got to vote. Upset!
Irritated Voter
Dear Irritated Voter:
Gripe Vane will do a follow up on your compliant.
Coming up…..Highland Avenue Parking and City Hall entrance, and much more.
Readers can email grapevine @[email protected] or write to Gripe Vine 480 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. You can also submit through our online form.