Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am complaining about Highland Avenue. Cars park all the way down, once you come over the hill even though there are No Parking signs all the way down. This causes moms and kids to walk into the street. This is very dangerous.
Dear JM:
I have contacted Sgt. Charles Young of the West Haven Police Department with your complaint. Sgt. Young requested a specific location of your concern and I notified him of the site of Highland Avenue where cars are parking and ignoring No Parking sign Gripe Vine is waiting and expecting a reply from Sgt. Young. As soon as it is received, I will publish it in the next upcoming Gripe Vine. If this practice continues, please let me know.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I called City Hall three times to get an absentee ballot. I even spoke to the Mayor’s office but was sent to another office. I never got a call back or received a ballot. NEVER GOT TO VOTE AND I’M UPSET!!
Disappointed Voter
Dear Disappointed Voter:
Perhaps the following reply from the City Clerk’s Office will help you and other voters:
A voter may ask for an application for an absentee ballot. This can be done in person or by telephone. If by phone the application may be sent to the party requesting it and once received in the City Clerk’s office, a ballot will be issued by mail.
If the person comes in and requests an application, they will show an ID and if they wish they can vote at the counter or take the ballot with them.
In order to be on the permanent ABSENTEE BALLOTT LIST the voter must submit a note from their doctor stating that they cannot go to the polls. Once we receive the note, the voter will be put on the list and will receive a ballot for every election pertaining to them. The note may be faxed to their office at (203) 937-3504
The voter may also call the City Clerk’s Office for answers at (203) 937-3535.
Gripe Vine Readers:
For those of you waiting to hear a response from Bailey School authorities on speeding school buses on Shingle Hill Road, you can follow its progress in Gripe Vine. As soon as I receive an update, you will read it here.
If you have a gripe, comment or issue for Gripe Vine, send it to [email protected] or mail it to me at Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, CT 065616 Please be sure to include your name, address and phone number, so I can contact you for further details. This information is kept strictly confidential with me. You can also submit through our online form.