Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I guess the citywide waste program was a flop! I am all for keeping the environment clean and safe, but there had to be a better way to approach a program like this than what West Haven experienced.
I don’t know if any of your readers feel as I do, but I and my family didn’t appreciate storing scraps of food under my sink, open to crawlers and my pets.
Sometimes, I think politicians don’t realize that the taxable population has brains and suggestions too with some of them participating in other programs that require thinking and innovation. Why doesn’t the city call on its population for suggestions?
Irritated Taxpayer
Dear Irritated Taxpayer:
Following your comments, I will contact the mayor’s office and learn if she can open her email for suggestions from taxpayers. Gripe Vine will be waiting to hear from my readers on this concept.
Gripe Vine Readers:
Back in January a Gripe Vine Reader complained of a dangerous situation at Donald and Jeffrey Street. Apparently there are two catch basins and a man hole cover on that corner and asphalt is crumbling around this area.
The entirety of Jeffrey Street, according to a reader, needs repaving. The reader indicated her contact with Public Works offered no response. She then notified Gripe Vine and I contacted the Council member for this area, Katherine Tucker three times, but no response indicated yet. Gripe Vine will welcome a reply from her as soon as possible to avoid a dangerous, hazardous situation at this location.
IF you have a comment, or suggestion or a gripe, write to [email protected] or if you prefer to mail, sent it to Gripe Vine, c/o West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven, 06516. In your information, you can use the coupon below my column and include your name, address, phone number, kept in strict confidence with me and I will be happy to look into your issues or complaints. You can also submit through our online form.