Dear Eleanore Turkington
There are many taxpaying residents in West Haven and from time to time I and many others wish they could make suggestions to our mayor submitting suggestions on various projects. Such as more use of the dance area at our boardwalk and more benches or sitting facilities along the beautiful shore. These suggestions come to mind. Most of us are intelligent and would like to place our input under the eyes of our mayor.
Frustrated Taxpayer
Dear Frustrated Taxpayer
I contacted Mayor Dorinda Borer and she promptly replied, “Thank you for reaching out and allowing me the opportunity to respond.
I want readers to know that I am always open to ideas as I readily recognize that I always do not have the answers and that we have a lot of talented and experienced residents who want to contribute and move the city forward.
Recognizing that residents cannot always make it to City Hall public meetings, I recently held 10 meetings one in each of our local districts to make it more convenient as possible for residents to come forward to not only hear local updates, but to ask questions, voice concern on a particular issue aaaand to offer ideas and input.
The Listening Tour was advertised in both The Voice and the Register and on social nedia. Over 200 residents collective l came forward and the feedback to allow for input was very positive. We will most likely hold them again in the summer.
Residents can always email me directly. My email has been open to residents since my first day in office and posted in several areas as I want to be as accessible as possible. Here is my email address: [email protected]. Please do not hesitate to contact me. I would respectfully ask residents who use email to provide input rather than Face Book messaging or tagging as I am not on line often during the day and may miss their messages. Thank you.
Dorinda Borer
Dear Eleanora Turkington,
Why do they not raise manhole covers and the frames after paving anymore? There are several; in West Haven that are very deep, especially at Campbell and at Spring Street and by the VA. . If you hit this one you could damage your car. Also, I called the city dispatchers desk at least 6 times last summer for numerous potholes at Forest Road and David Street. It’s like a mine field dodging the holes going up or down the David Street Hill. During one of my numerous calls, I was told the crews were out there now fixing them. They were NOT! Can you please help with these issues?
Dear RSP:
I certainly will!
If my readers have gripes, issues or comments send them to [email protected] You can also mail them to Gripe Vine 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516 Please be sure to add your name, address and phone number kept in strict privacy with me only. You can also submit through our online form.
what is being done about all the out of state registered vehicles, of people living in West Haven. A lot of tax $$ being lost