Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Recently I spotted a huge billboard in our state that displayed a warning to motorists that there was a law in Connecticut that showed a penalty to drivers concerning driving and texting.
I wasn’t aware that we couldn’t use a cell phone to communicate to business or to my family and friends. Just how many personal privileges can be taken away these days. Just what is the story on this convenient practice?
Fed Up
Dear Fed Up:
Here is what I was able to find on driving and texting in the state of Connecticut:
In Connecticut texting while driving is considered a primary offense, which means you can be pulled over and issued a citation for texting and operating a vehicle. The state takes distracting while driving seriously to ensure road safety.
Here are the key points regarding Connecticut’s driving and texting laws:
Prohibition: Connecticut law prohibits the use of any hand-held mobile electronic device while operating a motor vehicle. This includes texting, checking e-mail, browsing social media or any other activity that diverts your attention from driving.
Fines and demerit points:
First offense: If you’re caught texting while driving for the first time, you’ll face a $200 fine.
Subsequent offenses: For third, fourth and subsequent texting violations, the fine increases to $500
The law reminds you to turn off electronic devices and keep them out of reach before starting to drive. Be a role model for young drivers by setting a positive example.
Speak up if you see someone using an electronic device while driving.
Always wear your seat belts; it’s your best defense against unsafe drivers.
Be alert for others on the road and cyclists and pedestrians.
We might remember, no text is worth a life. You can pull off the road to a safe place.
Readers, according to a recent gripe concerning the manhole and covers on Campbell Avenue, this gripe has been signaled to the council person in that area. Please let me know if the situation has been corrected.
Also, a question has arisen referring to United Illuminating bills sent to UI users questioning exactly where those extra fees are going and how they are being used. I am in touch with authorities at UI and will publish their responses in a future column.
If you have a g gripe, comment or issue send them to [email protected] or mail them to 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. You can also submit through our online form.