Gripe Vine Readers:
In my last column I received a response from West Haven’s mayor, Dorinda Borer, relating to an improvement to the city’s Senior Center. Complaints arrived from readers who felt a cleanup of the facility, additional seating in the lobby and improvements in the refreshment and recreational areas.
Included in the response from the mayor were indications of a move in 2025 to the Malloy School, improvements to both the condition of the center as well as additional lobby seating and a new Bingo machine and ice machine.
Following publication of this information I received the following letter from a reader:
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The former Noble School, located at the corner of Noble Street and Washington Avenue, is the site of, among other things, educational and daycare services for preschool children.
During the morning rush and throughout the day, families are attempting to escort their small children into the building. Parking is extremely limited on the Noble Street side and prohibited along the southbound Washington Avenue side of the building, with police enforcement of the parking ban. Families must therefore park across Washington Avenue from the school and risk walking across Washington Avenue to drop off or pick up their children. The risk here is the presence of speeding and/or distracted drivers, of which there are many. Sooner or later, someone is very likely to be injured or killed.
Before that happens, why can’t speed bumps be installed? Of course that would take time. Meanwhile, it would also be wise and quick to install a stop sign on Washington Avenue northbound and southbound at the corner of Blohm Street, to regulate the flow of traffic. A greater police presence on behalf of these young families would also make a lot of sense.
We hope that you can find a sympathetic and responsive ear at city hall before this inevitably becomes a tragedy.
Concerned Parents
You may send your gripes to [email protected], or mail them to West Haven Voice, 840 Boston Post Road, West Haven 06516. Please include your name, address, and phone number or email address, kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit through our online form.