Gripe Vine Readers:
I am sure you read Mayor Nancy Rossi’s reply to Gripe Vine recently in which she provided Council Members’ phone numbers for residents to contact with their complaints. This list was provided in the Feb. 15 issue of the West Haven Voice.
According to Mayor Rossi’s response to Gripe Vine, “Please know that the City of West Haven will listen and answer all complaints and requests from residents and any inquiries that you forward for your column. The City Council should be the first line of communication for a resident that has a complaint. The website for the city council is If you are unsure of your district call Administrative Assistant to City Council Michael DiMassa at [email protected] or 203 937-3672 No response? Call the Mayor’s office at 203 937-3510.”
However, readers, please remember, if YOU DO NOT receive confirmation that your complaint was addressed, contact me at [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o The West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Avenue. I will follow up and get you results!
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Would you please look into flooding at the intersection of Central and Derby Road? When you turn off Route 34 you hit more than a foot of water.
Dear W.F.:
An investigation into the flooding off Route 34 was forwarded to Louis Esposito, Executive Assistant to the Mayor. His reply, “I’ve had crews out the last couple of days clearing the tops of debris. I’ll have that location checked again the next time it rains. Thank you for the input.”
As an added note, readers, the Public Works Department has issued a request to residents, “if necessary, clear the top of your neighborhood catch basins in order to ensure that the rain will be able to drain effectively without causing any flooding issues. Though we have been out and about the city clearing areas, our crews can’t be everywhere. That’s why we need your help!”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There are pot holes on Kelsey Avenue moving towards Armstrong Rubber from Bassett Street. Some of them are more than five inches deep. When will these conditions be solved?
Dear Motorist:
I notified Louis Esposito, Executive Assistant to the Mayor of these pot holes. According to Esposito, “Hopefully the temperature stays up and we have no rain or snow. The patch crew will be out filling them.
Gripe Vine Readers:
It is most important that Gripe Vine receives word from readers who have been troubled with these pot holes. Have they been filled?Please let me know.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am imploring your help in rectifying a messy situation. I am a resident of Highland Street and try desperately to keep our property clean and neat, but recently many individuals fly down the hill and throw out large bags of trash from their vehicles, littering the hill on both sides right down to Campbell Avenue. My husband and I constantly dispose of all this messy trash and it is a daunting task.
I am asking if you could put in a good word and have some public works people come to try and get rid of this mess. Any help would be greatly appreciated. These individuals give West Haven a bad name, “Waste Haven.” Please help!
Dear Emoji:
By the time you read my column today, you should have seen some improvement.I have notified Lois Esposito Jr., Executive Assistant to the Mayor of your plight.
Please email me within one week or sooner, if nothing or something has been done to improve Highland Street.
Thank you and your husband for caring enough to work at cleaning up your street. I am hopeful that you will see an improvement soon.
Coming up: Cracked sidewalk on Elm Street….broken down vehicle on Winslow Drive…Pot holes on Greta Street..crosswalk light not working on Campbell Avenue to Richard Street…street light remains on at 160 Boston Post Road…pot holes on both sides of Plainfield Street…hole in sidewalk in corner center of Lakeview Avenue…traffic signal turning on to Campbell Avenue at Elm Street not working… motorists ignoring crosswalk on Ocean Avenue to Beach…Fountain Terrace becoming speedway used as a short cut between Hopkins, Curtis Drive and Fountain Street….Pine tree obstructing view corner Laurel Street and much more.
You can send your gripes, comments and questions to [email protected] or mail to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice. Please include your name, address and phone number kept strictly confidential with me. You can also use the online form by clicking here.
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No complaint from me, Ms. Turkington, just thanks for what you do.
I moved to West Haven about 4 years ago, and have so appreciated your follow though on the issues that are brought to your attention by West Haveners.
Thank you!
Robin Parsons