Dear Eleanore Turkington:
They turned the West Haven Armory building into apartments but they did not handicapped-accessible it.
There 15 steps in the front and eight steps in the back and no elevator. Isn’t there a city ordinance about buildings being handicapped-accessible? I can’t go visit my family because I am in a wheelchair.
(P.S. from W.B.’s husband) Eleanore, My wife has had MS for 40 years and can’t go visit my daughter and grandkids in their home because it is not handicapped-accessible. She is bed-bound and wheelchair-bound.
Dear WB:
On Feb. 9, I wrote John Counter at the West Haven Housing Authority and asked him, “When is this building going to be made accessible to the handicapped?”
Gripe Vine did not receive a reply.
On March 1, I sent another request to Counter reminding him that I had sent an earlier request for information on your gripe.
To date, I have not heard from Counter. As soon as I do, I will print his response in Gripe Vine. I am sorry that you cannot visit your family. However, I feel confident that Counter will respond with a satisfactory answer.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
This is not a gripe as much as it is a question. The property at 525 First Ave. there is an old house that I thought had historic meaning. This red house had a date and I thought an historic landmark tag. Now it is ready to be demolished. Can you get any info on it?
Dear PG:
Perhaps one of my readers who have researched history in West Haven may provide us with a little of this house history. I’ll publish it as soon as I get some information.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Prior to the mayoral election in West Haven, I decided to see what information I could get from Google or Channel 3 or 8 and there was nothing on Fox 61 or 3. Were we in the wilderness here?
I looked on local access and found religious meetings all over the place. Why didn’t someone do a video and place it on the local access channel? I would do it if necessary but, no one asked if anyone could do it. I have the equipment and it sits there waiting.
Dear D.R.:
Because of circumstances beyond my control, I was unable to present your questions to the news media. However, your offer of taping meetings is appreciated. The next time you see an agenda with upcoming meetings and feel you would like to record them, contact me and I will put you in touch with the proper individuals that can help you.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Who should I call when an over- zealous salesperson knocks on my door? I had one some time ago selling solar panels. Any suggestions?
Dear Cautious:
Well, yes. You could call Officers Dave Tammaro and Officer Bret Schneider at the Crime Prevention Department of West Haven’s Police Department at (203) 937-3570. The officers are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.
If you have a gripe, comment or are seeking information, write to [email protected] or mail your inquiries to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 666 Savin Ave. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me.