Gripe Vine Readers:
Several weeks ago, I received a complaint relating to a tree blocking the view on Laurel and Soundview Avenues. I reported this to the mayor’s executive assistant, Louis Esposito. A reply from his office indicated he would have someone look into this problem.
Time went by and once again, I asked Esposito if there had been any developments at this site. As of writing this column, there was no response. A few days later, I received the following letter to Gripe Vine:
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I read your column every week and have noticed on more than one occasion the subject of the pine tree on the corner of Laurel and Soundview. Recently it was stated the tree was an obstruction to traffic from the WHPD. Well, I completely agree
The said tree in question happens to live on the corner of my front yard. “Live” is a loose term as it is more than half dead due to salt from plows and many dogs doing their business over the years.
There have been different city workers “surveying” this poor tree that in my opinion is suffering a slow demise. My husband wanted to cut it down himself and offered since it’s not big at all and the trunk will take a few seconds with a chain saw.
I am honestly tired of people complaining since it’s not our tree, it is city property but we cannot touch it. The tree is blocking the corner and can be the cause of an accident. I am wondering since this tree is a problem, why hasn’t the city taken 15 minutes of the day to come take it from the corner?
I, myself, have been complaining about the tree along with a few others that are ruining our entire property with unsafe roots.Feel free to take photos of the tree.
Elizabeth Prates
Dear Elizabeth Prates:
Thank you for your input on the “infamous tree” at the corner of Laurel and Soundview Avenues.
As I explained in the beginning of this column, Gripe Vine has contacted Louis Esposito, Mayoral Assistant with this complaint and I am waiting for his reply. The issue seems fairly simple to me that a complaint is sent to the city, the issue is investigated and a solution is provided If there are side issues that are blocking a solution, let’s hear it!
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
My wife and I were driving down Peck and near Washington School and a herd of 10 bicyclists were in the middle of the road blocking it, popping wheelies, almost causing an accident and stopped traffic. POLICE, TAKE ACTION. THIS HAPPENED MORE THAN ONCE!
Dear Fearful:
I will notify Mayor Nancy Rossi’s Mayoral Executive Assistant of your complaint. I am confident the West Haven Police Department will be made aware of this area and its potential danger to pedestrians and motorists. Please let me know if this dangerous practice continues.
Coming up: abandoned vehicle on Winslow Drive..Dee Street pot holes…illegal truck traffic on Voss Road..Dogwood Road pot holes..Kelsey Avenue and Circle Street over 100 pot holes…more pot holes on Fairfax Street..Bocce Court gripe…loud, late night blaring music..dump stricken area 52-54 Coleman Street..speed bumps requested in this area.
You can send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or write to me at Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me.