Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have been complaining about the loud music at the Allingtown Flats during early hours of the morning and I finally wrote to Gripe Vine. Just when will this practice stop? Getting so, a person can’t get a decent night’s sleep.
Really Tired
Dear Tired
Gripe Vine has received other similar complaints. Apparently, this middle of the night blaring music has annoyed other residents in your neighborhood. I notified Louis Esposito, Executive Assistant to Mayor Nancy Rossi about your complaint and others as well. Esposito contacted Gripe Vine stating that he would give the West Haven Police Department this gripe for enforcement, indicating the police department would have a patrol go through this area. Please let me know, Really Tired if the loud music has stopped.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a junk of a car parked on Roosevelt Avenue for over a year now. When is something going to be done about it?
Eyesore Griper
Dear Eyesore Griper:
Here’s what Esposito, mayoral executive assistant had to say about this complaint, “I will contact the police department and code enforcement to try to get this done.”
Dear Eyesore Griper”
Has the car been removed yet? Let me know if it hasn’t and I will continue to seek assistance from Esposito.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is trash all over the side yard on the Honor Road Side. Can this area be cleaned up. Looks terrible.
Really Irritated
Dear Really Irritated:
According to Esposito, your complaint was given to the police department and I was told this was taken care of. Really Irritated, was it taken care of? Let me know, [email protected]
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The beachside lots are supposed to be open after 6 a.m. Most of them are, still roped off well past 6 a.m. Who is responsible for opening the lots as the signs say?
Shut Out
Dear Shut Out:
Esposito, Executive Mayoral Assistant to Mayor Nancy Rossi was contacted by Gripe Vine with your complaint. Esposito replied, “I spoke with a member of the police department. They indicated they will remind the 11 p.m. shift to remember to open the lots.” Are the beachside lots open now? [email protected] I’ll look for your reply.
Gripe Vine Readers:
If you have a complaint or a gripe or a comment you would like to share with my readers, send it to me at [email protected] or mail it c/o the West Haven Voice, Gripe Vine 666 Savin Ave., West Haven 06516. There is a coupon next to my column you can fill that out, use an extra sheet of paper if necessary. You can also use our online form by clicking here. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept strictly confidential with me.