Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The trucks continue to invade Voss Road. I haven’t seen a patrol car in this area yet unless they do it while I am not here or asleep. At any rate, the trucks travelling on Voss Road, don’t seem to be reading the signs on both ends of this through way that say No Trucks Allowed.
RD Voss Road
Dear RD Voss Road:
Gripe Vine has been following up on your previous requests to stop the truck traffic on Voss Road. From what I have been able to determine, the police department is aware of truck traffic on Voss Road. In the past, the police patrol has checked out similar complaints but I would ask you to let me know if within the next several weeks, whether you either see an improvement here or the sight of a police squad car.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
The stop sign at the corner of Brown and First Avenue is a joke! Most people float it! When motorcycles start out they always make loud noises; some cars do too. The stop sign is not really needed because Brown Street is a dead end street.
BA First Avenue
Dear BA First Avenue:
Attention Mayor Nancy Rossi and West Haven Police Department Traffic Supervisor:
Please check out this dangerous area. Pedestrians and motorists will appreciate your efforts.
Gripe Vine Readers:
Last week, I sent the following complaints to Mayor Nancy Rossi; I am anticipating Mayor Rossi will respond to them so I can publish her replies and assist readers in solving these problems.
There is a 50-foot dead tree on Barbara Lane, Traffic light on Route 34 not functioning properly, three cars abandoned on Savin Avenue, more speeder complaints on Main and Third Avenue, Additional loud noise complaints during late hours, sidewalk conditions on Westfield Street, Overhanging trees on Highland Avenue, Ticketed bulk trash offenders, ruptured sidewalk on Linden Drive, abandoned building on Savin and Graham Manor Road and Hinman Street resident questioned responsibility for accumulated water in street.
Gripe Vine Readers:
As promised, here is a list of West Haven’s City Councilmen and their contact numbers: To make it easier for my readers to contact their council representatives, the following information may be helpful:
Hoskie, Bridgette J.[email protected](203) 927-1537
Ruickoldt, Nicholas[email protected](203) 640-4809
Charney, Aaron[email protected](203) 479-0424
Gallignano,Mitchell[email protected](203) 430-1238
Hamilton, Robbin, Watt[email protected](203) 641-6448
Massaro, Peter V [email protected](203) 687-1201
Bias, Portia[email protected](203) 508-3469
Morrissey, Tracy A.[email protected](203) 937-0586
Ronan, Sean P.[email protected](203) 606-8278
Martone,Louise[email protected](203) 937-9220
DePalma, Richard[email protected](203) 996-4942
Quagliani Ronald[email protected](203) 937-9990
Forsyth, David C.[email protected]——–
Dimassa, Michael[email protected](203) 937-3672
Coming Up…blight on Riverview Terrace…tarped roof, debris on property, Prospect Avenue…bus stop on 2nd Avenue and White Street…Painter Drive empty lot skunks, rats, vines, …blight at the Haven…speeding on Third Avenue and Wood…blight at Charles and Platt Avenue..parking ban on Peck Avenue questioned…and much more.
Send your gripes, complaints and comments to [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. You can also submit via our online form by clicking here. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept confidential with me, or, you can send your initials and location for identification.