Gripe Vine Readers:
Before I begin this week’s column, I would like to provide an insight on how Gripe Vine is going to deal with the lack of response to your complaints to the City of West Haven officials. I feel this columnist has given more than an opportunity for them to assist the taxpayers of West Haven.
You will see a letter in today’s Gripe Vine explaining and complaining of a neighborhood traffic problem. I have discovered that some of the complaints sent to the mayor’s office have been taken care of, only the courtesy of notifying residents and Gripe Vine readers of this action, prompts me to change procedures.
So, rather than send your complaints to the mayor’s office for recognition and solution here is what I am going to do:
Your gripes and complaints will be published in this column with an invitation to Mayor Nany Rossi to take action. Now here is where my readers’ efforts are required. If you have sent in a gripe and it has or has not been solved let me know. There are thousands of West Haven Voice readers who will become aware of the success or lack of, from city officials. Perhaps a wake up will be required to see success.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I know you have a plethora of complaints in your mailbox: however, I am hoping you can assist me with another issue.
You have received many notices regarding the truck traffic coming through the Voss Road area even though No Thru Trucks signs are clearly posted at the beginning of Voss Road, Edith and Edward Streets. These are quiet residential streets. We now have a new renter at an absentee and landlord-run house on Edward Street, who is driving an asphalt-filled construction dump trucks at all hours of the day and night, driving fast, downshifting like he’s on a raceway and beeping his horn.
It starts on Friday and goes on all weekend. The noise from these trucks can be heard from the start of the engine until he is well out of the neighborhood and on the highway. The trucks have signage from various cities outside of West Haven.
It is frustrating that our sleep is consistently interrupted and even with a notification from police, he is thumbing his nose at the violations. A commercial vehicle should not be parked or operated here. When the warm weather arrives, I worry that this activity will worsen.
Many of my neighbors as well as me have called the police with complaints. Our quality of peace and quiet has been critically diminished and after 42 years in West Haven, I think it’s time to get out. It is sad to think that we are being pushed out by this lack of courtesy and responsibility by someone that obviously has no respect for traffic rules or for the people that live here. Any suggestions would be appreciated.Thanks for the great service you provide to the residents of West Haven.
Absolutely Fed Up
Dear Fed Up:
You wrote in your letter that this individual has received numerous violations and this practice has continued. Your letter will appear in this newspaper, The West Haven Voice and along with it an invitation to Mayor Nancy Rossi to investigate your complaint.
Please let me know if you see any action here, positive or not.
Attention Mayor Nancy Rossi: Please investigate this taxpayer’s complaint.
Send your comments, complaints and issues to [email protected] or mail to Gripe Vine c/o The West Haven Voice 666 Savin Ave. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept strictly confidential with me. You can also submit via our online form by clicking here. If you don’t want your identity to appear, sign your request with your initials and the neighborhood you live in.