Dear Eleanore Turkinging:
Cars are driving entirely too fast down Union Avenue. It is a one-way residential road and cars are doing 50 miles per hour. I can feel the house shake when they go so fast that its absolutely ridiculous !! We need speed bumps big time!
CF Union Avenue
Dear CF Union Avenue:
According to Aaron Charney, third district councilman who became aware of your complaint and this to say, ”That is my district and I live on that block of Union Avenue, too. I agree, speeding is a problem. It gets very bad at night or when the street isn’t packed with cars.
I am personally a fan of speed bumps and have seen them used in New Haven and several communities in Fairfield County.
There are several streets in this part of town with the same issue, and speed bumps could be effective at curbing speeding. I have brought these speeding concerns to the police department before and will reach out again this week”
Councilman Charney can be reached at (203) 479-0424 .
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Several weeks ago, I complained to Gripe Vine about the condition of the sidewalk on Linden Street. You said you would try to help, and you asked me to get back to you if there was any change. I wrote soon after and told you no one has been around to even look at the sidewalk or tree stump. (Gripe Vine published a photo of the broken sidewalk to facilitate repair as soon as possible.)
Today’s email from the griper stated that the city’s sidewalk inspector, Ernie Chiarelli stopped by because he saw the Gripe Vine article in the paper. He said we would be getting new sidewalks in the spring because it is too cold now. Continuing, the letter writer indicated that the inspector said that if they don’t come in the spring to do the job than we are to call Mr. Chiarelii and he will take care of it.
Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
As I had noted in previous columns, the lack of the city’s attention to reader’s Gripe Vine complaints, led me to publish these unsolved gripes every week. Reader’s will then become aware of these unsolved, unanswered issues when they appear in Gripe Vine.
A reader complained of an “unsightly” old gas station at the corner of Savin Avenue and Graham Manor Road “used as some type of repair shop. It is way overgrown with weeds everywhere around the building and growing through what is left of an asphalt parking lot. The reader also complained of a boat that has been there rotting for many years and property that is overgrown with weeds. The letter writer indicated that the property owner should be fined for blight.”
There has been no response from the city.
Readers you can send your complaints, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 666 Savin Ave. Please include your name, address and phone number. This information will be kept in strict confidence with me. You can also submit via our online form by clicking here.