Gripe Vine Readers:
At the end of each year, I write a column that contains the past year’s complaints, comments and issues. 2018 will be no different.
In January, as well as other issues, we said goodbye to Francis Withington, a representative in the mayor’s office who provided this column with prompt, accurate and helpful cooperation in solving reader’s complaints. I said at the time that there would no longer be an information officer who can provide the public with such support. If Witihington is reading this column today, I would like him as a taxpaying citizen to contact Gripe Vine and lend his assistance and informative nature to Gripe Vine.
Snow parking issues this month, on Hillside Avenue was an issue as well with residents complaining of odd side parking rules. Mayor Nancy Rossi stated in this column that reader’s complaints would be answered that the City of West Haven will listen and answer all complaints and requests from residents and any inquiries that you (Gripe Vine) will forward for your column. The City Council, she indicated, should be the first line of communication for a resident that has a complaint. The website, the mayor noted for complaints to be forwarded to is wwwcityofwesthaven.com/183/city-council. Apparently, this information wasn’t too helpful, because Gripe Vine didn’t see any improvement in resident-city representative communication.
Complaints during February included a speed bump was requested for New Street, trucks were blocking areas between People’s Bank and Soundview Apartments. This month pot holes on Kelsey Avenue, residents of Highland Avenue complained of accumulated trash being thrown onto their property, a broken-down vehicle on Winslow Avenue and pot holes on both sides of Plainfield Avenue.
Crosswalks were being ignored on Ocean Avenue to the beach, pine tree growth obstructing motor vehicles views and the traffic signal malfunctioned on Campbell Avenue and Richard Street. A resident from the West Haven Armory building was searching for a handicapped entrance at this site, complaints from readers noting many cars do not display headlights during the day and sunset, cracked sidewalks on Elm Street, residents sought uniformed trash cans like New Haven and Milford supply and a demolished house on First Avenue brought questions on its past history.
A street light on the Post Road during day light hours brought gripes to my desk as well as more pot hole complaints on Plainfield Avenue and the crosswalk light at Chamber to Richard Street at 774 Campbell Avenue was not working. Accumulated trash on Highland Street brought gripes, readers sent satisfied letters acclaiming a motor vehicle office in West Haven and bulk pickup regulations questioned.
Residents also complained of sidewalk needing repair on Lakeview Avenue, and neighbors complained of sidewalk issues on Elm Street. Parking sign needed replacement on Seaview Avenue more pot holes on Dee Street, early pick up of leaves by city trucks caused a number of gripes as well.
No parking signs requested in the Ocean Avenue intersection Voss Road truck complaints, readers questioned the policy stores use in returning soda cans, bottles, etc. more pot hole complaints relating to Dogwood Road, Kelsey Avenue and Circle Street, blasting music in the Allingtown Flats, loose trash on Mix Avenue pot holes on Derby Avenue and Bocce Court complaints.
Fireworks complaints, good news on tide gates, overgrown grass and weeds on Veteran’s Walk, ,pre-lighting needed at Park Garden Apartments, broken clock on Allingtown Green, dog droppings on West Haven Green, West Haven Train Station litter gripe and illegal parking on Connecticut Avenue.
Readers questioned timing on beachside lots, car parked for over a year on Roosevelt Avenue, unsafe crosswalks, unsafe roofs, abandoned cars, public restrooms, swimming pool complaints, speeding cars on Elm Wood and Third Avenue, empty lot on Painter Drive with rodents, etc., litterers, Coleman Street dumping site, school lunch program questioned, trash pickups and bulk trash gripe, countless complaints on condition at the Haven Site, water draining from city property onto private property, unsightly house on Prospect Avenue, water sprinkler on city property on 24-7, blight on Riverview Terrace, bus stop on 2nd Avenue and White Street, readers had fines for illegal dumping and repairs requested for the Savin Rock Playground which had cracked sliding shoot and other complaints in the safety for children at this site.
These are just a few of the complaints, issues and gripes experienced by my readers.
If you have gripes, send them to Gripe Vine 666 Savin Ave., or email me at [email protected]. You can also submit with our online form by clicking here.
With that note, I would like to wish all my readers, those in harmony with the concepts of my column and those who do not, a Happy Holiday Season!