Gripe Vine Readers:
You may remember, in previous columns I have noted many of your complaints have been ignored by city offices. I also noted that Gripe Vine will be publishing your gripes each week affording the mayor’s office an opportunity to view your sentiments on neighborhood and citywide problems. In preparing Gripe Vine in this way, I have discovered that some of your complaints have been addressed by city departments. Not many, but here and there. So, I am going to continue publishing your complaints in this manner. Today we will begin with the following letter:
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Flooding yards in this area (Peck Avenue) is not a new issue. However, I discovered during this last storm that there is water not entering my yard from the Old Field Creek flood plain, but a pipe in a stand of trees on the Washington School property.
I called the Mayor’s office, (follow the thread) routed to Public Works, to the Board of Education (BOE) to the Superintendent’s office. I have been waiting for a call back from the BOE Maintenance Group so I can ask them to come and see the water after we received the additional two inches of rain that was predicted the day I wrote this letter.
I am about to call again, but figured the more visibility that can be brought to this drain damaging water in my yard (which then goes into my home and my neighbor’s as well,) causing much unnecessary drainage.
If the pipe can be routed directly into the creek and not my home and yard, the flooding may be reduced since the flooding is due to human error/oversite. Any contacts in the BOE who can assist with this issue would be appreciated.
Dear NPA:
I will be waiting to hear from you on this issue.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There are “No Thru Truck” signs at both ends of Meloy Road but there are tractor trailers using this very, very busy road every day. This road should be off limits to big rigs. Fines will stop them. Signs mean nothing.
Dear HELP:
The traffic division at the West Haven Police Department is alerted by this dangerous practice through publication in Gripe Vine. Please be sure to notify me of any changes.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Can’t something be done about the 10 to 12 speeding razor bikes that go through the stop signs at Main and Third Avenue? Can’t they slow down on Main Street?
Main Street Resident
Dear Main Street Resident:
Once again, publication of your complaint and other readers’ complaints appear in this column. Your issue is being read by thousands of readers including the departments the gripes are directed. Let me know if this dangerous practice has stopped or if you see police supervision has begun.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Why is the high school lit up like a Christmas tree every night? Maybe the powers to be don’t care, but we taxpayers should not be paying for this light extravagance!
Neighbor at Cherry Lane
Dear Neighbor:
Lights out should be the name of the game. I feel confident some of them are necessary to prevent vandalism, but curtailment should be considered. Keep in touch on this issue.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a car, a 1960 Chevrolet, that is parked halfway over the public sidewalk and the driveway every day for years on Atwater Street. Can this situation be improved?
Safety First
Dear Safety First:
Today’s Gripe Vine should keep the West Haven Police Department busy. Watch for an improvement and let me know if there is.
If you have a gripe, comment or question, send it to [email protected], including your name, address and phone number, kept strictly confidential with me. Or, mail your issue to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. You can also submit via our online form by clicking here.