Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
As I indicated in last week’s column, after I published a number of open gripes that as soon as I heard from the mayor’s office, I would report back to you with Mayor Nancy Rossi’s comments on their progress. Alas, I heard nothing.
Perhaps Mayor Rossi issued orders to the various department heads to follow through on your complaints and perhaps, hopefully, her requests were followed up to completion. However, my mailbox is empty, and I have heard nothing. It is up to you, my readers, to pick up the phone and let me know the status of your complaints. You can either email me at [email protected], drop a letter in the mailbox to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. or if you are in the neighborhood of our office at that address, you can leave your inquiries or responses with my editor, Bill Riccio. You can also use the online form here. Meanwhile, I will continue printing your complaints and we begin this week with:
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I saw the complaint regarding Peck Avenue flooding and stopped by one of the residences during the recent storm. There were a few inches of standing water in a couple of yards and the water appears to be draining from a pipe near Washington School.
The water problem is so bad that it has flooded basements. I’m going to look into the matter with the Engineering Department and Public Works to see what is causing this issue. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.
Aaron Charney
Third District Councilman
Dear Councilman Charney:
Thank YOU for displaying your interest in my readers’ complaints. This issue has been delivered to the Mayor’s office and published in Gripe Vine numerous times. I am hoping that your investigation will provide some answers for the neighborhood residents and my readers.
I will be looking forward to your inquiries into the Peck Avenue flooding problem.
Gripe Vine Readers:
I have asked Councilman Charney to provide Gripe Vine with a list of streets in each district of our city. My reasoning? Numerous readers have told me they don’t know what district they are in. I will publish this list, district by district along with your Councilman’s phone number and email address. If you don’t know who he or she is, how do you know who to contact? Watch for this information in Gripe Vine.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Near the corner of Morgan Lane and Shingle Hill Road, there is a pothole 14 x 14 and is so deep I bent my rims and punctured my tire. My car is presently being repaired.
Morgan Lane
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a pothole at 764-782 at 1st Avenue. It is so large, the pothole. When entering Dana Street it is hard to miss it. Someone, please fix this road hazard.
Dana Street
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a 50- 60-foot-tall dead tree at 58 Barbara Lane. It’s a hazard to the neighborhood.
K of Barbara Lane
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a commuter parking lot at 1st Avenue, near 411 1st Ave., where someone leaves large bags of bread for the seagulls and birds, however there is bird feces all over the parked cars from this feeding area. It’s a mess, please clean it up.
1st Avenue Commuter
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is ice on the street at 1-99 Ashford St. Can someone from the city check it out? Even if the ice is gone when they get there, there probably is a slant or dip that encourages this problem and it should be checked out.
AS Griper
You can send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. You can also submit your gripe via our online form by clicking here. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me.