Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I noted in The Voice that the city will no longer be picking up grass clippings and that per state law, grass clippings cannot be mixed with leaves.
I called Public Works about this and was told we have been in violation of the state law and thus are finally are starting to comply with it. I then called the Department of Environmental Protection to determine why compostable grass clippings are verboten in the leaf bags.
Evidently, grass clippings add nitrogen to the compost and are a very desirable addition, but the way the state law was written years ago, because leaves break down in a simpler manner than leaves and grass combined, a municipality needs to obtain a slightly more advanced state permit to matter to compost leaves and grass together. Evidently ,this is a very simple manner and I got the feeling that we are one of the few municipalities that don’t have it. In fact, the Environmental Protection Department told me they were going to contact Public Works about it (I did not in any way request that they do this), and suggested I contact them again.
I did this as well as notifying the mayor’s office. It is beyond my comprehension why, after flaunting state law for years, rather than simply obtain the proper permit, our fair town decides to simply stop picking up grass clippings.
I am hoping this situation is resolved in a way that doesn’t further burden the already burdened citizens of our city but based on previous performance I have my doubts.
I am writing you so that you may make all aware, via the paper, of the true situation. There is no need for the city to stop picking up grass clipping.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is still no response from Louis Esposito. Is mayoral assistant a paid job? If so, why is West Haven paying him? (The letter writer is referring to the lack of responses from the mayor’s office.) I think a response is way overdue.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
One thing people in West Haven talk about is Land Trust.
I was told if we got enough people to become a member, we could outvote them out at their annual meeting and open a little space. It is only a very small portion needed and would only build on the north side of the boardwalk. It would be nice to know.
A True Environmentalist
Gripe Vine Readers:
If you are interested in learning more about the plans this letter writer refers to, send your request to me and I will forward to this letter writer.
Gripe Vine Readers:
As I explained in my last column, I am placing your complaints in my column along with the phone number and address of your councilman. I feel confident council members will take your concerns to heart check them out and let Gripe Vine Readers know their complaints are being addressed.
By the way, I am receiving notes from complaining readers that their issues are being addressed. Not many, but it is a start and hopefully the council members will take your concerns promptly. Please let me know if you did or did not hear from the council members.
You can send your complaints, issues and comments to [email protected] Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me only. Or, you can clip out the Gripe Vine coupon and mail it to me at Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 666 Savin Ave. If you need more space, use an extra piece of paper. You can also submit via our online form.
I am so tired of the deep holes off fairfax and side streets. Can’t we get some paving done.