Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Fix the timing! Heading north on Captain Thomas Boulevard, at the intersection of Kelsey Avenue, there is a lane for left turn only for cars and a street light with a green left arrow. This is for cars turning left into Jimmie’s Restaurant on the Savin Park Conference Center.
This left arrow light used to have to be “tripped on” so it can only work if a vehicle turned into that lane. Well, somehow that changed and now that left arrow signal is timed with all the other lights at that intersection. So, now even if no car is in that left turn lane we sit and wait for no one to move as that signal wastes time. Can that be changed back to needing to be “Tripped “on, please? Let’s get our signals straight.
MH Capt. Thomas Blvd.
Dear MH Capt. Thomas Blvd.
Here’s a suggestion: Obviously, if you are a Gripe Vine reader, you are aware of the lack of communication to Gripe Vine from the mayor’s office. However, the city has councilmen available for its residents so I have compiled a record of which councilmen can be contacted for assistance. Today, the representative from your district is Nicholas Ruickoldt.
His phone number is (203) 640-4809; email [email protected] I would ask you to contact Gripe Vine within two weeks to let me know if a change was made and whether or not your councilman responded to your gripe.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I live on Hinman Street and the rain water puddles at the end of my driveway because of a huge pot hole. I just moved to this area and I am sure it will get worse during the ongoing winter and every time it rains.
Resident Hinman Street
Dear Resident:
Please contact your District Councilman, Peter Massaro, (203) 687-1201. His email address is [email protected]
As I stated at the beginning of my column today, I suggested my readers contact their district councilman with their gripes. When Mayor Nancy Rossi begins to respond to Gripe Vine on my readers’ issues, I will investigate taxpayers and resident’s complaints and publish their completion.
Until then, call or email your district councilman for assistance and most important let me know within two weeks whether or not you received assistance from your district representative. The results will appear in my column.
A special note to West Haven’s Councilmen: Upon receiving resident’s gripes and your investigation revealed the complaint was corrected or unjustified, LET ME KNOW, PLEASE. There is a time element between receipt of a gripe and its actual solution. I will be happy to inform my readers of your cooperation.
Gripe Vine Readers, you can email your complaints to [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strict confidence with me. You can submit your complaints on the coupon next to Gripe Vine and if you need more space, use a sheet of paper. You can also submit via our online form.