Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have been waiting for someone to fix the clock on the Allingtown Green. Can you tell me when this is going to happen?
Ruth L Allingtown Green:
I have been contacting the Councilman for your district, Peter Massaro with your request on the clock on the Allingtown Green.
Councilman Massaro updated Gripe Vine with this reply, “The clock on Allingtown Green is in the process of being fixed. The state is giving St. Representative Mike DiMassa a big problem on who’s fault it is and who should fix the clock. I just spoke to him on Saturday, March 16th, 2019 about this I haven’t forgotten about it. This is one of my main issues.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
It’s going to get warm out. What are they going to do in West Haven on the green when people come there with their dog and let them do their business on the green and then walk away from it and leave it without picking it up. ? Kids will be playing there and stepping and falling into IT. I have seen this.
Although there is a sign on the green, it is faded, and no one can see it. There is only one sign.
Chris M- Green
Dear Chris M-Green:
Although there is a sign on the green indicating proper dog visiting, perhaps another sign that is clear and easy to read would be an advantage to visitors to the green.
I have forwarded a request to Councilman Aaron Charney to look into your complaint. Once again, please let me know when a second sign appears as well as better clarity on the existing signage.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a house on Timberline Drive that has been vacant for many years and is becoming increasingly dilapidated. It is an eyesore and a safety issue. Can this property become attractive once again?
L Dee Timberline Drive
Dear L Dee:
Gripe Vine notified Peter Massaro of this complaint. According to Massaro, “About 3 Timberline Drive, the house was vacant but now someone purchased the house and they are doing repairs on the house; new windows, doors and roof.”
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Stop raising taxes! Go after West Haven residents or all who register their cars out of Connecticut illegally, Pennsylvania, Florida, Maine, Vermont, etc.
BB West Walk
Dear BB West Walk:
Research provided the following information:
West Haven has a Vehicle Immobilization (Boot) Program that is in effect.
According to the tax department in West Haven, “If you are booted, you will need to pay your full tax delinquency to the City of West Haven Office of the Tax Collector and a separate boot fee of $150 to the Vioalert driver.
The boot fee must be paid by money order or bank check only and made payable to “Vioalert” to have your vehicle released (boots are usually released within 1 hour).
For a payoff figure, you may call the collecting agent, TaxServ, at 866-497-2427 (toll free)
Gripe Vine Readers, you may submit your questions, gripes and comments to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o The West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. You can also submit via our online form. Please submit your name, address and phone number when you send your gripes. They will be kept in strict privacy with me.