Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Several years ago, I ran a sidewalk questionnaire to my readers requesting the condition of your sidewalks. A magnificent response! A number of dangerous sidewalks were brought to the attention of the city. However, Gripe Vine is going to search for more hazardous sidewalks to see if we can get them repaired.
Thanks to the cooperative City Sidewalk Inspector, Ernie Chiarelli, a similar request is in this column today. Here is what Chiarelli wrote to Gripe Vine:
“Just wanted to drop you a note with all the information your readers may ask regarding the repair of sidewalks in the City of West Haven. I have enclosed the press release that was in a local newspaper, the West Haven Voice and on the city web site in the past few weeks. Please reference the attached news releases your readers may have.”
Within the context of the information Chiarelli sent, 395 addresses were reported and inspected last year, 254 sidewalks were replaced, and 295 trip hazards were removed.
According to Chiarelli, if you have a sidewalk that needs repairing you can call Public Works at (203) 937-3585 or email [email protected]
The list will be given to the city hired contractor by May 1st. If any reports come in for inspection and meet the guidelines for repair after May 1st, it may not be completed this year but will be added to the 2020 list.”
However, if you can’t reach the Public Works Department or would prefer to write to Gripe Vine, I will do my best to be of assistance. [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o The West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Avenue.
And…thank you Ernie Chiarelli, City Sidewalk Inspector. How refreshing to receive a response from a department of he City of West Haven!
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Because the City of West Haven is in financial ruin, and the MARB (Municipality Accountability Review Board) who is supposed to be scrutinizing the finance, why are the residents of Allingtown being forced to pay higher taxes, all because the Allingtown fire district refuses to consolidate? Why doesn’t MARB force to consolidate?
Also, how many residents of West Haven have to pay sewer tax on their property’s lawns because it is deemed a possible building lot with no sewer lines. How can they legally charge for sewer use which has been implemented for years? Has your state representative ever visited the Allingtown Flat during re-election? I know I have never seen him, only flyers “Vote for Me”.
We are being forced to pay higher taxes in Allingtown without representation.
RZ Westfield Street
Dear RZ:
I have forwarded a copy of your letter to your Councilman, Peter Massaro. I feel sure some answers will come from him. They will be published in Gripe Vine.
Next week: fireworks, shrub removal, dead trees….and much more.
You can send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. You can also submit via our online form. Please include your name, address and phone number kept confidential with me.