Gripe Vine Readers:
Last week’s Gripe Vine published a letter from a reader who asked, “Why are the residents of Allingtown being forced to pay higher taxes, all because the Allingtown Fire District refuses to consolidate Why doesn’t MARB (Municipality Accountability Review Board) forced to consolidate? We are being forced to pay higher taxes in Allingtown without representation.”
Councilman Peter Massaro replied to this reader’s questions with, “I just read someone in the Gripe Column, re: Allingtown Fire Department, doesn’t want to consolidate. For that gripe person, the MARB is paying for a study to see if it’s feasible to consolidate all three fire departments. The Allingtown Fire Department is under city control since July 1, 2012. Also, for the griper’s information, taxes had to be raised because we weren’t given the information for the pension arch discovered by the MARB.
The last administration was doing the pension audits, but we were not given the proper information to put figures into our budget. Also, by the same administration all three districts were not given their share of the automobile taxes like we were supposed to. That’s why Allingtown taxes were increased. I forgot one more item, the state of Connecticut is also in bad financial problems. The last governor cut all three districts polite money (which was about $358,000) to Allingtown alone.”
Councilman Peter Massaro
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I noted in the Voice that the city will no longer be picking up grass clippings and that per state law grass clippings cannot be mixed with leaves.
I called Public Works about this and was told that we have been in violation of the state law and thus are finally starting to comply with it. I then called the state Department of Environmental Protection to determine why compostable grass clippings are verboten in the leaf bags.
Evidently grass clippings and nitrogen to the compost and are actually a very desirable addition, but the way the state law was written years ago, because leaves break down in a more simple manner than leaves and grass combined, a municipality needs to obtain a slightly more advanced state permit to compost leaves and grass together. Evidently, this is a fairly simple manner and I got the feeling that we are one of the few municipalities that don’t have it. In fact, the Environmental Protection Department told me they were going to contact Public Works about it. (I did not request that they do this) and suggested I contact them again.
I did this, as well as notifying the mayor’s office. It’s beyond my comprehension why, after flaunting state law for years, rather than simply obtain the proper permit, our fair town decides to simply stop picking up grass clippings.
I am hoping this situation is resolved in a way that doesn’t further burden the already burdened citizens of our city but based on previous performance I have my doubts. I am writing you so that you may make al aware, via the paper, of the true situation. There is no need for the city to stop picking up grass clippings.
CSG Grass Clippings
Dear CSG Grass Clippings:
I wrote to Councilman Mitchell L. Gallignano who represents your district and he replied to your inquiry, “I have been told by the public works director that West Haven has made an application to DEEP (Department of Environmental Protection) for grass clippings to be added to the leaf processing permit. I am not sure when this process will be completed but should be very soon”.
Gripe Vine Readers:
If you have a sidewalk that needs to be repaired or replaced you can call Public Works at (203) 937-3585 or email [email protected] However if you don’t get any results, write to [email protected].
Gripe Vine Readers:
Please note: My April 4 column indicated to call Public Works if you had a damaged sidewalk. You may call Public Works ONLY if you have a sidewalk that was damaged by city trees. According to Ernie Chiarelli, City Sidewalk Inspector, city trees are defined as those located between the sidewalk and street curb. Otherwise it is the homeowner’s responsibility to repair the sidewalk fronting their property according to Article 1, Section 1 of “The streets and sidewalk ordinance under chapter 206 of the West Haven code. However, if you still have questions, write to Gripevine and I will try to assist you further.
Readers can send your gripes, questions or comments to [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o The West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. You can also submit via our online form. Please include your name (kept confidential if you wish), phone number and address.