Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Why are there so many lights on at the Ora Mason Library? Can’t save money that way.
RH Library
Dear RH Library:
Alan Olenick, Director of the West Haven Chamber of Commerce replied, “For many years, the lights were not always working. Now we have done a better job of maintaining the building. The building is lit for security and safety purposes. If your reader’s question is about inside lighting after normal hours, we probably had a program going on.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
This letter is a question about Louis Esposito who asked Gripe Vine to pose the following questions: Do you have a new title? Is it Manager of Ceremonies or Master of Grand Openings, or is it still Mayoral Assistant? Would it be asking too much for you to clarify?
MJL Curious
Dear MJL Curious:
I asked the Councilmen in your district for a reply. It was unattainable from the mayor’s office. The councilman from your district (8) Peter Massaro. Councilman Massaro replied, “Mr. Esposito is the Mayor’s Executor Secretary as far as I know.”
Gripe Vine Readers:
Gripe Vine has published a gripe letter from a (readers) relating to the road conditions at the Beach Street Condominiums. I have attempted to reach Councilman Nicholas Ruickolot by email and telephone without success. I am hoping Councilman Ruickolot will contact me at [email protected] with a reply to this reader’s question as to when will the road be paved in front of the Beach Street Condominiums.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have written to you in the past and have had no response from the city concerning a rotten tree in front of my home on Sharon Avenue. (Excerpts from earlier letter: I have called the city four times in the past three years to have the city tree in front of my home removed because it is rotten. Rotten so bad that I have to call after every strong wind storm to have branches picked up. I have informed them that any damage done to my home will result in a legal issue. Still no response!) I still can’t get a rotten tree cut down that leaves a stump 10-feet-high to rot and attract bugs. You had stated in a recent reply to my letters that you had faith, and something would happen soon. I had no such faith. Guess who was correct?
Isn’t it frustrating to not be heard by the people who get paid by me? According to some of the other letters you have received I am not the only one who is frustrated. Imagine my frustration also to drive by Savin Rock and see that the tree and shrubs were all taken down around the rock but the hazard in front of my house is still standing? Guess who won’t be getting my vote in the next election? Also, as a side note, I would like to NOT thank the mayor for inviting idiots to come to our city to blow off illegal fireworks and have a general disregard for homes by trashing and urinating in yards. For what? These fools aren’t celebrating anything but being allowed to act like idiots.
PW Rotten Tree
Dear PW Rotten Tree:
I have contacted your Councilman Tracy Morrissey, District 8, with your complaint of removal of a rotten tree on Sharon Avenue. As soon as I hear from Councilman Morrissey, you will read it in Gripe Vine. Meanwhile let me know when and if the tree comes down.
You can send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or mail to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. You can also submit through the online form. Please include your name, address and phone number, kept in strictest confidence with me.