Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have lived in West Haven for all but 2 for 67 years. I have lived at my present address since 2006. During ALL that time, usually every other year, I have marched down to City Hall to ask about my sidewalks being repaired.
For over a dozen years now, I have been told that I was “On the list”. Right and the Easter Bunny came to pay me a visit last Sunday .Anyway, during that time on two occasions I have seen neighbors of mine, who moved in AFTER me, get their sidewalks repaired. I have met with Mayor Picard and was told it was not the city’s responsibility.
I have contacted you twice and while you have always responded Eleanore, only once did I ever have somebody actually come out and look at them. Nothing happened. I am on a corner lot, Savin and William Street so I have about three times as much sidewalk to shovel as most of my neighbors. And, while my Savin Avenue sidewalk is in pretty good condition, my William Street sidewalk is not. In fact, it is so bad, I cannot use my snowblower on it.
Another problem is, I am quite the gardener and I have quite a display of flowering shrubs, plants and trees surrounding my property. People come from miles around (or so they tell me) to look at it , to take pictures, say hello to my dog Lady (and on occasion to steal some of my flowers). I don’t mind that at all, well I DO mind the stealing, but some of these people are vets in wheelchairs, seniors with walkers and parents with strollers. Some of the William Street slabs are so cracked and crumbled that they are almost impassable. I worry about someone falling and hurting themselves. Mayor Picard suggested just letting my grass take over, and last year I finally gave up patching the sidewalks myself and did just that, but then I saw your April 4th column in The Voice and thought I’d give it one more shot. Maybe this guy Ernie Chiarelli, (Sidewalk Inspector for the City of West Haven)will actually do something or at least tell me why they can’t or won’t.
GC,William Street
Dear GC, William Street:
I have written to Councilman Aaron Charney asking him to take a look at your sidewalk situation, especially William Street. Hopefully, he will update Gripe Vine following his inspection. Meanwhile, please keep in touch with me and let me know if there any improvements, changes or conversations between you and city officials.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
There is a pot hole on Ardale and Tetlow Street as well as on Dix and Eaton Street that needs repair. These pot holes ae on the ends of each street. Can someone look into them, please?
EL, Eaton Street
Dear EL, Eaton Street:
I have been attempting to reach your Councilman Robbin Hamilton by email but have been unsuccessful to date. Perhaps if Councilman Hamilton has the opportunity to read your complaint in Gripe Vine, I will be able to help solve your problem.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
What’s with all these “nip” bottles all over town? It looks like a bottle of Scotch gave birth to thousands.We should outlaw these things.
FR, Savin Avenue
Coming up: Severe pothole on 500 Derby Avenue…Aimes Drive torn up from construction…Washington Avenue to its lower end that needs paving badly…Gilbert Street sidewalk in hazardous condition…bus stop sign needed at 2nd Avenue and White Street…cluttered property on Painter Drive…Beach Street asks for paving…waiting for councilman’s response on Beach Street…and much more.
Send your gripes, comments and suggestions to [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Avenue. You can also submit though our online form. Please include your name, address and phone number kept confidential with me.