Gripe Vine Readers:
With hot weather coming up and a look back at last summer’s gripes, I decided to publish our local swimming pool and fireworks ordinances to serve as a reminder. If you follow these regulations, you’ll be protecting ourselves and others. Next week, Gripe Vine will resume publishing responses to your complaints and issues.
Outdoor, above ground swimming local swimming pool ordinances:
Administrative Approval required: The Commissioner of Planning and Development shall approve any pool constructed or altered and used for swimming which shall cause the retention of water to a greater depth than 24 inches.
Location: No pool shall be located within a front yard of within 6 feet of a side yard of rear yard.
Safety Requirements: Every swimming pool shall be adequately enclosed sufficient to make such body of water inaccessible to small children.
Enclosures must meet the State of Connecticut Building Code requirements.
Lights on any pool shall be arranged so that they are not a nuisance or an annoyance to the neighboring property. They shall be so designed as to be directed on the pool or the adjacent area and cast no lights or reflections onto abating properties.
Pool Wastewater Discharge: In all instances where a public stormwater sewer is available, pool wastewater shall be discharged to the storm water sewer if sufficient capacity is available in the opinion of the Commissioner of Public Works.
Gripe Vine Readers:
There were complaints last year of a swimming pool not sufficiently protected by proper height fencing. I suggest if you have any doubts as to the safety protection of your pool to contact the City Building Department at 203-937-3590.
Once again, referring to Gripe Vine complaints of illegal fireworks, here the state’s ordinance rules on this topic:
All fireworks are illegal in the State of Connecticut, with the exception of sparklers and fountains. The Office of the State Fire Marshal reminds Connecticut residents that state law defines sparkles as non-explosive, non-aerial devices that contain less than 100 grams of pyrotechnic mixture.
Coming up…more pothole complaints…sidewalk issues…illegal truck traffic and much more.
Send your gripes, comments and issues to [email protected] or mail them to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice 666 Savin Ave. You can also submit through our online form.