Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Over the past few months, I have been notifying your district’s councilwomen and councilmen of your complaints. These complaints are usually reported to the Mayor’s office, but since there have been little or no replies, I have decided to resend them to your council representatives.
So far, Gripe Vine has been pleased with their responses, however, they have occasionally run into stumbling blocks and this leaves my readers “in the dark” relating to completion of their complaints.
Before I begin today’s column, I am going to list your gripes that may have not been resolved yet through the efforts of council delegates. If, after reading your complaint and they either have or have not been completed, PLEASE send me an email or drop a line in the mail to Gripe Vine so I can update my records or recontact your councilwomen or men. If there are others, let me know. So, here they are….
Beach Street repaving, awaiting response from Councilman Nick Ruickoldt; potholes on Peck and Leete went to Councilman Aaron Charney and Councilwoman Bridgette Hoskey; potholes on Ardale, Tetlow, Dix and Eaton, your Councilwoman Bridge Hoskie has forwarded this complaint to Public Works. Has the road work been done? Let me know — Aimes Drive — uncompleted road work by utility company forwarded to Councilman Sean Ronan; no response yet. Pothole on Burwell Place forwarded to Councilman Peter Massaro who is presently investigating this complaint. Apparently, there are trucking violations on Meloy Road; Councilwoman Portia Bias is following up on this complaint and hopefully will provide my readers with a solution soon. A traffic light complaint on Campbell and Lamson was forwarded to Councilman Mitchell Gallignano and no reply was received yet after three contacts. A complaint of trash and blight at a location on Riverview Terrace was forwarded to Councilman Nick Ruickoldt and at this date, Gripe Vine has not received a reply.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am reading your latest and notice an issue that has surfaced again: the No Parking sign that goes missing near the mailbox off Seaview. The policeman must be blind as the sign is missing and cars were parked illegally again this weekend.
As someone else has stated the summer No Parking signs went all the way up Seaview to Overlook when I moved to an area 20 years ago and as trees were removed and poles were replaced, the signs were not replaced. Councilwoman Tracy Morrissey needs to check city records as this was done because of the same parking issues we are having these days. Just thought I would enlighten you on this subject.
Peter Wankowicz
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
Six months ago I complained about the speeding and wrong way traffic on Third Avenue by Wood. Finally, they put a machine that checks your speed. What a joke! They see it as soon as they pull onto the street and slow up. Now that it’s gone, they are back to doing the same thing. Also, the grass is three feet high on the railroad overpass on First Avenue. I don’t know who is responsible, but this should be taken care of.
MG, Third Ave. Resident
Dear MG:
I have notified Councilmen Aaron Charney and Mitchell Gallignano of your complaints. Please let me know when you see a change.
Gripe Vine Readers, you can send your gripes, comments and issues to me at [email protected] or write to Gripe Vine c/o West Haven Voice, 666 Savin Ave. Please be sure to include your name, address and phone number, kept strictly confidential with me. If you use the coupon next to my column and need more space, you can use a separate piece of paper. You can also submit through our online form.