Dear Gripe Vine Readers:
Last week’s Gripe Vine published a letter from a reader, Carl K, Canton Street, concerning heavy, bus, truck and noisy traffic on Canton Street. Here’s an update from Councilwoman Robin Watt Hamilton following a request to look into your complaint.
Councilwoman Robin Watt Hamilton’s first response:
“I have a call into both West Haven Police Department Traffic Division and Connecticut Transit. I am hoping to hear from them today (June 25). Thank you for asking for my input for it is a concerning matter that I hope to be a part of helping to solve.”
Now, here’s a follow up from Councilwoman Hamilton dated June 26:“I appreciate you contacting me regarding this issue. There is a history to this issue in my district. I am not the first Councilwoman to address it. I have spoken to an administrator at Connecticut Transit. Unfortunately, at this time, there are no plans to change the bus route, however, I will engage further conversation with both Connecticut Transit and the community. I’ve also reached out to the West Haven Police Department Traffic Division and will continue to work with them to address the heavy truck issue. I sympathize with this issue because I live in the same neighborhood. I will work toward a resolution with the hopes of improving the situation.”
Dear Carl K, Canton Street:
Please keep me updated on this traffic concern.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I have submitted a picture of a sinking hole in front of 7 Ricardo Street at the corner of Rudin Street. There was a main break in November which was fixed, and the hole was patched. Over The spring months, the patch began to sink. Thank you for bringing this to the attention of the city.
GCS, Ricardo Street
Dear GCS, Ricardo Street:
I have forwarded your complaint to Councilwoman Robin Watt Hamilton. Watch Gripe Vine for her solution to this problem.
Dear Eleanore Turkington:
I am writing in regard to my sidewalk. I have been trying to get sidewalks for at least eleven years. The closest I’ve come was the city taking down the tree that’s lifting the sidewalk and the street. The stump is still here and the sidewalk as well. I feel bad for the high school kids; they all have to walk in the street. There is a kid down the street who is in a wheelchair. His dad also has to walk him in the street. Please can YOU help me; no one else has.
MG, Linden Street
Dear MG Linden Street:
I spoke to Councilwoman Tracy Morrissey who represents your district, concerning your sidewalk complaint. I have also forwarded the photo you submitted to her.
Good news! Councilwoman Morrissey responded, “I have spoken with the sidewalk inspector who has checked the sidewalk and spoke with the homeowner. He explained to her the new procedures he put in place and how to report damaged sidewalks. The sidewalk is slated for repair over the next few weeks.”
Dear MG, Linden Street:
Has work begun here yet? Please let me know.
Coming up…pot hole on Burwell Place..trash on Morse Avenue and high grass…pot holes on Pine Street…Sorenson Road pot hole…speeding and wrong way traffic on 3rd Avenue by Wood Street…malfunctioning traffic light Campbell and Lamson..Meloy Road trucking violations…Aimes Drive patch work…potholes on Ardale, Tetlow, Dix and Eaton…pot hole Peck and Leete…Woody area at Platt Street poaching? And much more.
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